Chapter 12- You Won't Believe This

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Leaning over the toilet Zoe threw up all her breakfast. Standing up she flushed the toilet and turned on the water faucet. Hearing a knock at the door Ashley then walks in and asks "Are you okay?" Shaking her head she replies with "I have no idea" Ashley still had the look of concern on his face and he said "I hope you aren't getting sick" He watched as Zoe rinsed her mouth out and then she leaned up against the counter looking at Ashley. He said to her "Maybe you should stay home today. I'll take care of you" with a weak smile Zoe shook her head in agreement. She then followed Ashley to the couch and she laid down on it. Ashley then grabbed a pillow and blanket and set everything up for her. Handing her the tv remote he kisses her head and says "I'm going to just be in the next room. If you need me just holler" laughing a little Zoe says "Okay, and thanks for everything Ashley" smiling Ashley says back "Anything for you my love" he then walked away to the next room. Leaving Zoe to watch her shows.

Hours later Zoe had fallen asleep on the couch and Ashley was in the kitchen making Zoe something for dinner. "Chicken noodle soup!" Ashley thought "She'd love that" as he began to start cook he heard that Zoe was awake. Finishing the soup he starts to bring it in but he notices that Zoe isn't on the couch anymore. Setting the soup down on the coffee table he looks down the hall to see the bathroom door shut. Walking down the hall he knocks and he's Zoe say "Come in" he looks at her and says "Were you sick again?" In a shaky voice she says "No.." "Then what's wrong". Zoe looked up at Ashley's face full of worry and confusion and she said to him "I'm late.." "You're what?" "I said I'm late Ash." "Oh mean oh" Ashley mumbled "Yeah I do mean it. It would explain me getting sick. I need you to go to the store and get me a pregnancy test" "Are you sure?" Ashley managed to get out "I counted the days Ash. I'm five days late. We had sex. Do the math""Don't be rude. I'm just as scared as you are" Looking back at Ashley, Zoe said "Please? Will you go and get the test?" Sighing Ashley takes a deep breath and says "Yes I will do you want anything else while I'm out?" Thinking about it Zoe says "Gummy bears please?" Laughing Ashley says "Of course" Zoe then leaves and goes to sit back down on the couch. Ashley then goes to grab his shoes and put them on then grabbing his keys and cell phone. He kisses Zoe goodbye and gets in the car.

The whole drive there Ashley kept thinking about how he should handle the situation. He knew he'd stay with Zoe no matter what and love the baby just as much as he loved Zoe.

Pulling into the parking lot of the drug store he turns off the car and gets out. Waking through the store. He realized that in his whole life he'd never been in this part of he store before. Walking up and down the isle he saw several boxes of pregnancy tests. He grabbed one and began walking out of the isle towards the candy. Just then he hears a familiar voice call his name. Turning around he saw Jinxx. "Oh hey man!" Ashley replied. "Is that a pregnancy test in your hand?" Jinxx asked "Oh yeah. It is" "That's a strange coincidence" Jinxx said as Ashely also noticed the same box in Jinxx's hand. "Sammi too?" "Yeah, were you and Zoe trying? By the look on your face I don't think you were" laughing nervously Ashley says "No it's a surprise. But we don't know for sure" "Oh well whatever it is. I know you guys will still love each other" "Good luck Jinxx" Ashley laughed as Jinxx said goodbye and he went to pay. Ashley then went to grab Zoe her gummy bears. Walking up to the counter he paid and then left. Getting in his car he turned up his radio up loud and drowned out his thoughts till he pulled up to his drive.

Getting in his house he said "I'm home!" And Zoe turned around on the couch and jumped up grabbing the pregnancy test from Ashley plus the gummy bears and she went to the bathroom. "You can come in a sec" Zoe said as she shut the door.

Reading the instructions. "So you just pee on it?" Zoe thought to herself. Sighing Zoe did what she had to do. The box said it takes five minutes. Plus meant pregnant and a minus sign meant not pregnant. She opened the door and said "You can come in if you want" Ashley came up to the door and leaned up against the door frame. "How much longer?" He asked "Just three minutes" Zoe said as she opened the bag of gummy bears and started to eat them. It seemed as time slowed down. Those short five minutes felt like hours.

Zoe looked down at her phone and the time was up and she looked at Ashley and said "Do you want to look? Or should I?" Shaking his head Ashley said "You should look" taking a deep breathe she picked up the test. Zoe's face went into a state of shock as she saw the clearest plus sign she ever saw. "Well what does it say?" Ashley asked in anticipation. All Zoe did was turn the test around so Ashley could see. The next thing she knew was that her boyfriend and future father of her baby was passed out cold on the floor.

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