Chapter 5- Love Is In The Air

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"Oh Ashley" Zoe moaned through the kiss with Ashley. Making out on the couch was leading somewhere and Zoe realized that. Smiling Ashley slid his hand up Zoe's shirt playing with the hooks on her bra. Then he slid her shirt off, Zoe began to also slide off Ashley's shirt getting off his shirt she tossed it across the room. Then she heard laughter pulling out of the kiss with Ashley she looked up too see CC standing in the doorway holding the tossed shirt he caught. Still laughing CC says "can I join in!" Ashley sat back into his seat giving CC a glare. Zoe embarrassed that CC saw her shirtless she ran to the bathroom after grabbing her shirt back off the floor. CC then looked at Ashley and said "I'm sorry man, I just walked in and.." Ashley said nothing back too him and got up and went to the bathroom door and knocked on it and said "Zoe? Please open the door"

*Zoe's POV*

That jerk! Zoe thought to herself. Going to bathroom and locking the door she turned on the water to clear her head. She could here Ashley knocking. So she turned off the water and opened the door and Ashley walked in and shut the door behind him. Making sure too lock it. Ashley said "I'm sorry that happened Zoe, I'll make sure he apologizes as well" "It's okay Ashley" Zoe while looking down. Ashley tilted her chin up and said "I want to make it up to you some how" then he leaned in and kissed her. Zoe kissed him back and then said "Maybe tomorrow CC kinda killed the mood" then she laughed.

*The Next Day*

"Wake up!!" Ashley sang into Zoe's ear. Turning to see Ashley laying next to her smiling. "What do you want to do today love?" Smiling back Zoe sat up and said "I dont know really" Ashley looked like he had something to say so Zoe asked what he wasn't saying. He then said "I booked us a room at a hotel, for a romantic night out" Zoe gave Ashley a big hug and then said "I have to figure out what I'm wearing!" Then she left the bed room and walked into the kitchen to find Sammi and Jinxx drinking coffee. "Oh hey Jinxx!" Zoe said. Then Sammi sat down her coffee and said "You must be that girl that's got Ashley all happy" Smiling Zoe says back "I guess I am". "Hey look who's awake!" Jinxx said as Ashley walked into the room. "Do you want to go shopping for tonight?" Ashley asked Zoe. "Shopping?!" Sammi perked up "I love shopping I'll take you!" Laughing Zoe agrees to go with Sammi.

*At the Mall*

" tonight the night?" Sammi asked Zoe. Thinking about it Zoe says "Oh! Yeah I think!" Giggling Sammi grabs Zoe's hand and pulls her toward Victorias Secret. Walking in Sammi say "Let's look at lingerie!" Blushing Zoe walks behind Sammi towards the lingerie. Sammi's face then lights up and grabs the black pair of lingerie and says "I could see you in this!" Giggling "Oh and Ash would love it!" Staring at the bra and panties on the hanger then nodding her head. Smiling Sammi says "I'm buying this for you as a gift!" Then she also grabs the purple set. Confused Zoe asks "Why did you get those to?" Getting a smirk on her face Sammi says "I'm thinking Jinxx will like this one". Finally payin for the stuff Sammi and Zoe went to store to store searching for the perfect outfit for Zoe.

*Back at Ashley's house*

"Have you gotten some yet?" Jake and CC questioned Ashley about Zoe. "No I haven't, I might've if CChadnt of walked in" CC smiled and said "Sorry man I didn't mean too" "it's okay I promised to make it up to her" Jake then laughed and said "I have to go I have to see my parents tonight" laughing CC says "Good luck" then Jake left leaving CC and Ashley to talk more about Zoe. "How far are you going to take this?" CC questioned "I don't know, CC she makes me feel so different better then any girl ie ever been with" "What are you saying?" CC asked "I think I love her"

Okay guys tell me how you liked it!! I'm sorry it's sorta a late post! Enjoy' :)

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