Chapter 7-Oh Sweet Love

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"Will that be all?" Asked the waiter, looking up from his gaze into Zoe eyes Ashley says "Uh..yes check please?" As he handed the waiter his credit card Ashley looks at Zoe and says "Are you ready to leave?" Smiling Zoe says "Yes, I just have to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back" "Okay Zoe I'll be here when you get back" Laughing Zoe walks away and Ashley sits back in his chair waiting for the waiter to come back with his card. Looking up across the room he sees a tall blonde he couldn't help but remember. Hoping she didn't turn around and come over. It was too late she started walking over. "Hey Ash!" The blonde said "Hey Emily.." Ashley mumbled. "Are you here alone?" "No I have a date." Looking surprised Emily says "Well..why don't you ditch her and come with me for some fun" Looking annoyed Ashley shook his head no. He could see Zoe coming around the corner. When Zoe got to the table, Zoe asked "Uh? Who are you?" Smirking Emily says "Emily and you?" "I'm Zoe. Ashley's date, and we were just leaving." Looking back at Ashley Emily says "You aren't seriously dating this whore are you?" Getting really mad Ashley stands up so he is face to face with Emily and says "How dare you say that. Zoe is amazing and beautiful. Ten times better then you will ever be. Now fuck off and leave us alone" With look of shock and anger run across Emily's face she storms off. But before she leaves she turns around and says "Stupid bitch" to Zoe and then leaves the restaurant. Ashley's steps forward and hugs Zoe and whispers "Don't listen to her. She doesn't matter, all that matters is you" Then he kisses her and grabbed her hand walked out to the hotel that was just down the street. Getting inside the hotel Ashley walks up to the front desk and says "Ashley Purdy room for two" the lady at the desk says "Oh yes Mr.Purdy room 124" smiling Ashley says "Thanks" then he grabs Zoe's and hand and takes her up too the room. Unlocking the door and getting inside Ashley shuts the door behind him and then turns to Zoe standing there looking more beautiful then ever. Ashley wraps his arms around her and she does the same too him and he softy kisses he lips and she kisses him back. Pulling out of the kiss Ashley picks up Zoe playfully and lays her on the bed and they both laugh playfully. Kissing Zoe's jawline down to her collarbone. Zoe then starts to pull off Ashleys jacket and Ashleys starts to unzip Zoe's dress. Pulling off the dress revealing her new underwear. Grinning Ashley says "So this is what you bought" smiling back at Ashley, Zoe says "All for you" then Ashley leans down and kisses her more as they kiss Zoe pulls off Ashley's tank top and then starts to mess with the button on his jeans. Helping Zoe Ashleys pulls off his jeans and leaves them both too make out in there underwear. Smiling Ashley starts to pull off her bra and panties. Zoe then pulls off Ashleys boxers. Still kissing Ashley then asks "Ready?" Nodding her head yes Ashley slowly slides himself into Zoe making her sigh out Ashleys name. After mintutes of pure happiness Zoe and Ashley both collapse onto each other. Breathing heavily Ashley kisses her cheek and says "That was amazing." Smiling and cuddling up next to Ashley, Zoe whispers "I love you" into Ashleys ear causing him to grin widely as he said the same back to her.

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