Chapter 15: Speaking of Suprises

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"Mr.Purdy" the nurse said "I have some very good news for you" Ashley was stunned he gave the nurse a half smile and she continued "Well Zoe's going to be okay.." Ashley cut her off "That amazing! Can I see her?" "Now wait a moment, Zoe's sleeping right now and there is one other thing you should know" Looking the nurse in eyes he said "What is it?" "Zoe's pregnant with twins" Ashley soon felt himself well up with more tears except these were tears of happiness. "Congratulations, because of what happened to today we have to keep a close eye on Zoe through out her pregnancy" Nodding his head he agreed. "You may now go see her if you like" "I'm going to go tell my friends that everything's okay first" The nurse nodded and turned and walked away. Ashley then turned around and walked towards the waiting room. They all stood up when Ashley walked in "Is she okay?" "Is the baby okay!?" They all asked. "Now calm down guys, everything's okay Zoe and the babies are just fine" "Wait 'babies?'" Andy asked "as in more than one?" Nodding his head with a smile he said "Yes, they found out that Zoe was having twins, but because of what happened they have to keep a close watch on her" Jinxx went to hug Ashley "I'm glad everything's okay Ashley" Ashley hugged him back "Thanks man" pulling away Ashley then said "The nurse said anyone is welcome to go see her but she's sleeping now" Jake pulled out his phone and he realized it was almost six in the morning "Well I'd love to stay but I need my sleep" the guys agreed and Ashley said "it's okay, we can meet up later" he watched as the guys walked out and he turned to walk to Zoe's room.

Zoe's POV

All I could remember really was being rushed into the hospital room and then it all went dark. All I could focus on was if my baby was okay and how much I wanted Ashley. I went in and out from my sleep, doctors ran test on me I was worried they'd see my scars and think I wasn't fit to be a mother. Finally the doctors and nurses stopped coming in and I was able to peacefully sleep. What I guessed was about an hour I wake up from my sleep and feel for my baby bump. Sighing in relief when I feel it there. Suddenly I hear snoring in the chair next to me, looking over I saw Ashley asleep in chair next to me. Tapping his hand softly he opens his eyes and looks at me and says "I'm so glad you're awake! I have great news!" Looking confused I ask "What are you talking about what's great about this?" "I'm guessing the nurses didn't tell you" "Tell me what Ash?" "You're pregnant with twins Zoe" I felt myself get weak again "Really? Are you okay with it? Can we handle having two babies? What are we going to do?" I asked. Ashley grabbed my hand and held it warmly "Of course I'm okay with two babies it's more for us to love with all our hearts, i dont know what we'll do but we'll make it work" Smiling I nodded my head and asked Ashley "Did the nurse mention when I could go home?" "Nope sorry I could go and ask if you want me too" Ashley said rubbing circles into my palm with his thumb "Please?" Nodding his head he stood up and left the room. Leaving me to think about our future.

Ashley's POV

Stepping out of Zoe's room I walked down the hall to the nurses station and found the same nurse that I spoke to earlier "Uh so hi" I stuttered "Do think it's possible for my girlfriend to go home sometime today?" The nurse nodded her head and said "of course" before handing me the release papers she said "Please make sure she eats, at least more than she does for the babies sake" Nodding his head he asked "Does she not eat that much?" "Well she tries to she claims, but you see Zoe is a recovering anorexic, we don't want her to relapses endangering the babies in anyway" "Yes, I promise to watch her eating habits and keep her healthy" "Okay" the nurse said smiling and handing over the release forms "just bring these back when your ready please" the nurse said. Ashley nodded and began walking back to the room thinking how Zoe had never told him before that she was a recovering anorexic.

Ashley soon returned to Zoe's room handing her the papers to sign, he took a deep breath and hesitated then he finally spoke "Zoe?" "Yeah?" She said as she signed the papers "I was talking to the nurse...and she said that..." He felt himself about to cry again. He grabbed her hand and held it "The nurse told me you were a recovering anorexic, Zoe why didn't you tell me?" Zoe's smile turned from a smile to a look of shame "I didn't tell you, I didn't tell anyone, I didn't think it was something I would ever have to talk about again, no one ever understands" Ashley looked up and said "Of course I would've understood, we all have stuff that happened in the past we'd like to never think of again" "I know Ashley" Zoe said as she wiped away the tears. Ashley then took both of Zoe's hands and held them and looked her in the eyes "You have to be strong, for me, the babies, and most importantly yourself. I promise it will get better, I'll take care of you in anyway you need it, may it be physically or mentally I'll be there" Zoe let go of Ashley's hands and gave him a hug "You don't know how long I've waited for someone to tell me that" Ashley held her close making her feel safe "Thank you Ashley" Zoe whispered "For what?" "Being there, if you hadn't of showed up I don't know what might of happened to me" "I don't either, I love you Zoe" Ashley smiled as he heard Zoe say it back.

Two months have passed and Zoe is three months pregnant with her twins, just days before she goes to find out what she's having.

"Wake up!" Zoe said playfully shaking Ashley awake. Waking up he said "What, why what's wrong?" "I'm fine silly! Do you know what today is?" Thinking about it Ashley remembered "Today's the day we find out what we're having" smiling they gave each other a hug and Ashley climbed out of bed and walked to the door "do you want anything for breakfast?" he asked. Nodding her head she said "Eggs please?" "Of course!" Ashley said turning around to go down the hallway. Zoe stood up keeping her balance and she walked to the bathroom across the hall and turned on the water to the shower and then took off her clothes. She then stepped in and showered. After finishing she stepped out and wrapped a towel around her. She then went across the hall to get some clothes. Walking back she got dressed and then towel dried her hair. The next thing she new was Ashley was standing behind her, he then wrapped his arms around her. Kissing her cheek he said "You look great babe" "But I'm not done getting ready yet" Ashley looked at themselves in the mirror then at her. "I think you are" "I need to put on make up and then straighten my hair" "Nope, you look beautiful already. You don't need anything else" he then kissed her again "Really? Okay. But if I do this you have to do something for me" Looking at her he said "And what's that?" Looking down at her baby bump "Do you think my baby bump is to big?" "No babe it's fine why?" "You know how we haven't had sex in a long time?" Ashley's facial expression changed "Yeah?" "Do you think that we can you know.." Zoe said while placing her hand on Ashley's shoulder "Oh sure hun" he said holding her closely. "Okay good" Zoe said smiling "You made my food right?" "Yeah it's in kitchen" "Thank you!" She said walking away to the kitchen. Ashley then went to take a shower.

Two hours later and they were on their way to the doctor. "Are you nervous?" Ashley asked Zoe sighing she nodded "of course" "same here, but it'll be okay" getting to the doctors office Ashley unbuckled and then went around to get Zoe. After they get out she holds Ashley's hand gripping it kind of tight he says "Everything's going to be fine" nodding she said "I know, I know". They checked in and sat down. Ten minutes later a nurse walks in and says "Zoe Walker?" She got up and Ashley followed. They weighed her and checked her blood pressure. Then she went to lay down on the table. Ashley sat in the chair next to her holding her hand. "Well how are you doing today?" The doctor asked as he came in "Way nervous" Ashley and Zoe said together "Well let me see what we got here" nervously laughing Zoe said "Okay" and lifted up her shirt exposing her baby belly. She shivered and gripped Ashley's hand tighter as the doctor squirted the cold jelly on her belly. The doctor then started the sonogram checking all the parts and listening to the heart beats. "You want to know what you two are having?" Ashley and Zoe looked at each other and then nodded and Zoe said "Yes please" "Well congratulations you two, you're having two identical baby girls" Zoe felt tears streaming down her face in happiness. She looked over to see Ashley's face covered in tears and for him to say through them "We're gonna have to baby girls" Ashley couldn't help but smile.

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