Chapter 17: I've Come For a Visit

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Zoe's POV

I was moving around my house, packing random things into boxes; I wanted to sell this house as soon as possible so I could just live with Ashley and raise the twins with no worries or extra burdens. Plus, the money would be very useful.

I closed off another box of random books and set it in the stack of other boxes. Just then I heard a ring of the doorbell. 'Probably Ashley coming to help me,' I thought, then opened the door.

My jaw dropped. Ryan was standing at my doorstep. I instinctively put my hand on my stomach, staring him down. "What do you want?" I asked.

He sighed. "Well, I saw you in the street a couple days ago, and... Well, Zoe, I really just wanna apologize. I'm sorry for everything I did. Really sorry."

I stared at him. Was he lying? Maybe this was just another trick. If I'd let him in, he might try to hurt me or the twins. I couldn't risk it. But... he seemed so sincere. He really did sound like he was telling the truth.

I shot out of my thoughts, and he continued. "It's just, ever since I met Angie, I-"

"Who's Angie?" I asked.

"That girl you saw me with. We're engaged, now. And I've never been happier. She's really made me a better person. Please, let me come in and I'll tell you everything."

I stared past his eyes into his soul. Was he really being sincere? Could I really trust him? Maybe... maybe I could. I sighed, finally making my decision. "You may enter."

Ryan came in, finding himself a seat. He took a deep breath, then explained. "So, about four months ago, I just happened to find Angie. We stumbled into each other in the street one day, but one look in our eyes told us it was fate. She's just so perfect..." He sighed, then continued. "But anyway, we recently got engaged like a week ago. And I swear, my life has never been better." He paused. "No offense."

"None taken," I said. "If you live a happy life with the person you love, I don't see a problem with it. But tell me how she 'made you a better person.'"

"Oh that.." he started. "Well, Angie's not a big fan of being mistreated, and many times she threatened to leave me. But... I really love her, so I did what she said, and it slowly helped me forget about doing anything bad. She's actually the one who suggested I should apologize."

I sat back in my seat, absorbing this new information. "Wow," I said. "So.. You've turned a new leaf?"

"Yeah," he replied. "Angie's made me a better person, Zoe. Trust me."

I looked at him. He did seem pretty happy with Angie.

"And we don't even have to stay friends," he added. "Just accept my apology."

I looked down, thinking. I finally concluded with an answer. "Okay. I accept your apology."

Just then the front door opened, and Ashley walked in. He stopped dead in his tracks; his expression was shocked and his eyes shone with fury. "Is he causing you trouble again?"

"No, Ashley," I said. "Ryan's here to apologize, surprisingly enough."

"Oh, really?" Ashley said. "I don't believe that."

"Yeah, I didn't either, at first," I said. "But he really means it. All he came for was an apology." I looked at Ashley expressionlessly.

"And you gave it to him?" Ashley asked me.

"He has a reason! He told me he's with new girl, and they love each other. He said she's the reason he's actually apologizing. They're engaged and everything!"

Ashley looked at me, then at Ryan, then back at me. "So... He's good now?"

I shrugged. "I guess. He also said that all he wanted to do was apologize. Right, Ryan?" I turned and looked at him.

Ryan nodded. "We don't have to be friends. I just wanted to say a few things."

Ashley sighed. "Well, you've said them. Now I think you should leave." He put an arm around my shoulders protectively.

Ryan got up and left. I looked at Ashley for awhile, then said, "I'm so glad he's completely out of the picture now."

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