Chapter 13-Can You Keep A Secret?

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Leaning down next to Ashley, Zoe shook him "Ashley wake up!" Opening his eyes he saw Zoe and he sat up against the bathroom door and Zoe sat next to him. "I'm sorry I fainted" Ashley says. Looking at him Zoe laughed a little "That's okay, we need to talk about this though" shaking his head Ashley went "I know"

"I don't think we should tell anyone until we are completely sure and we know the baby's okay" Zoe said. Ashley's face changed and Zoe asked "What? Did you tell someone?"

"Well Jinxx was at the store and he was also buying a pregnancy test. So he knows"

"Can we keep it so that it's just him? At least for a few months?"

Nodding his head Ashley agreed. "How are you going to hide it?"

"Well right now it's not even noticeable, but in a few weeks maybe."

"Okay then" Ashley said "Maybe we should get up off the floor" laughing he stood up and helped Zoe up off the floor too.

*Two weeks later*

Zoe is now almost five weeks pregnant and barely showing so that's good for them. Jinxx and Sammi are the only ones that know. Unluckily Sammi wasn't pregnant as well, but her and Jinxx are still trying.

Waking up Ashley noticed that Zoe was still sleeping so he kisses her on the cheek and then he goes and kisses her little baby bump and says "I love you so much". Crawling out of bed he walks into the living room and sees Andy and CC sitting on the couch. Jokingly he says "Don't you guys have your own house?" They all laugh and CC says "Yeah, but ours isn't as big and plus you always have beer" "That's true I guess" Ashley said laughing. "Where's Zoe?" Andy asked "She's still sleeping" "But it's noon!" CC said "She needs her sleep" Ashley said back. "Oh that reminds me!" Andy spoke up "The guys and I were going to go swimming today and we were going to ask you if you wanted to go?" "Oh! Sure that'll be fun" Ashley replied "I'm going to go tell Zoe" "Hurry back" CC commented.

Going down the hall to the bedroom, Ashley sat down next to Zoe and kissed her cheek smiling Zoe woke up and said "Good morning!" "It's good afternoon to you love" "I slept that long?!" "Yes you did" Ashley laughed "These baby hormones are doing crazy things to me" "Shhh" Ashley said "Andy and CC are in the living room" "Don't they have their own house" Laughing "Yeah they do, they just like this one more" Zoe laughed too "The guys have invited us to go swimming with them, they wanted to know if you wanted to come" Zoe sat up and thought about it. "Let's see first" She got up out of the bed and over to the dresser pulling out all her swimsuits. "I have three, I need you to tell me which one doesn't show of the baby bump as much" nodding his head Ashley said "Okay" Pulling of her pajamas Ashley watched with a grin on his face "Oh Ashley" Zoe giggled and turned so Ashley could only see her back side. She then pulled on her blue bikini top with matching boy shorts and turned to Ashley "Does it show?" Ashley looked her up and down. "A little, maybe you should try the next one" "Okay" Zoe once again toke of the swimsuit and pulled on the next. It was a black top with black polka dots and matching boy shorts. "What about this one?" "I love it!" It hides the bump and shows of how beautiful you are at the same time" "Oh thank you" Zoe blushed as she pulled on a T-shirt over her top and a skirt over her shorts. Grabbing some flip flops she said "Lets go!" Walking out of the room. Andy and CC both say "Hi!" At the same time and then Andy asks "Where's Ashley?" "He's getting ready" She said back to him. So then they both sat there waiting for Ashley to return.

Thirty minutes later Ashley comes out ready to leave. "Are we going to pick up the guys?" He asked "No they are meeting us there" CC said "Okay" Ashley said back. Getting in each others cars. They all met up at Jakes house where the party was.

Finally after talking for a while they all decide to get in the pool. Laying out a towel for herself and Ashley. Zoe slides of her clothes so she's just in her swimsuit. Trying not to draw any attention to her small baby bump. Sitting on the edge of the pool with her feet in the water she see Andy and Ashley in the water seeing who can hold their breath the longest. Laughing she notices Jake come and sit down next to her. "Hey Jake" Zoe says "Hey Zoe" he says back. They began taking. After a while Jake leans in and whispers in her ear and says "When are you due?" Gasping Zoe says "How did you notice?" "It's a little obvious. Not from a far. I noticed it when I came and sat down" "Please don't tell anyone" Zoe pleaded "Are you and Ashley not telling anyone?" "Well no, not for right now" "Okay, I promise I won't" "Thank you Jake" "No problem. You should keep in mind though. If it's a boy Jake's a great name" "I'll think about it" Zoe says laughing as Jake gets up to go get a drink.

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