Chapter 9- I Will Protect You

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Finding their clothes and other item Zoe and Ashley made their way out of the hotel room to the lobby. Getting to the lobby Ashley checks out, then him and Zoe walk out holding hands. Ashley says to Zoe "How about we go home and we order a pizza and watch movies all day" agreeing Zoe says "Sounds like a plan love" Then Ashley calls for a cab and they both get it and he tells the driver the adress and they get on their way to Ashley's house. Pulling up to his house Ashley pays the man and they make their way to the door way. Before Ashley can unlock the door it's opened by Andy and he looks angry and upset, Zoe asks "What's wrong Andy?" "I don't think you should go in there, either of you" "Why?" they both say, just then Andy steps out of the way and to both Ashley and Zoe's surprise there sat Zoe's ex in Ashley's living room. Almost in tears Zoe ask "Why did you let him in?!" "He said he knew you, and that wasn't till after i remembered who he was" Andy says. "Well this fucker has to leave" Ashley says pushing Andy out of the way towards the living room, Zoe following of course. "Who the hell do you think you are?" Ashley asks the man "I'm Ryan and that girl over there is mine" he said pointing to Zoe "THAT girl isn't yours you do not own her, she is also my girlfriend" Ashley says. "Oh really? Why would she fall for you? You look like a freaking girl" "Is that your only comeback?" Ashley says with a laugh "Whatever, Come on Zoe" he says grabbing her arm "You don't need this jerk" "Let go of me!" Zoe says "Aww come on baby, i thought you liked it rough?" Ryan said trying to kiss her, but it was cut off by Ashley grabbing him and throwing him to the ground. "Ashley! Stop!" Zoe says. Ashley is so angry he can't think and he doesn't listen. Ashley then starts to punch Ryan in the face as Ryan tries to defend himself it doesn't work. Before he can hit him one more time Andy comes running in and pulls Ashley off Ryan. Saying "Dude! you need to relax!" "He touched Zoe! He was gunna kiss her I had to do something" Letting go of Ashley Andy steps back and stands next to Zoe to try and comfort her. "I sugesst you get your ass out of my house before I kick it out" Ashley says looking into Ryan's eyes, considering he was covering half his face from where Ashley had punched it. Without another word from Ryan he walks out of Ashley's house.

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