Chapter 6- Is it real?

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"Wait what" CC said in shock. "I said I love her CC" "Why would you tell me!" "I dont know.." Ashley said looking out realizing CC isn't a good secret keep and this was big one. "Ash..I'll do my best to keep this one a secret" nodding there head and deciding to hug while in mid hug Sammi and Zoe walk into the room and Sammi jokingly says "Shoud we come back?" Pulling away from each other CC gets up and says "You wish" laughing his was too the kitchen for something to eat. Ashley looked at Zoe and noticed the bags she had then asking "Did you fine what you wanted to wear tonight" Nodding her head Zoe says back "Yes, you'll just have to wait to see it though" Then Zoe leaves the room to get ready. As she's walking away Ashley notices a Victoria Secret bag and then turning to Sammi and saying "If what I thinks in that bag I'm going to have to repay you somehow" "Oh Ash you don't have to thank me. Isn't it clear she? She really likes you!" Ashley then turned slightly red. Sammi asked "Ash? Are you alright? Did I say something?" "Oh no Sammi it's oaky. I'm uhm going to get dressed" then Ashley quickly left the room. Confused Sammi walks into the kitchen and starts talk to CC. "Don't you think Ashley is acting weird about his feeling for Zoe?" Remembering his promise CC says "I wouldn't know. When it comes to him and girls you really don't know what going on in his head" "I just hope he doesn't get hurt" then Sammi looked down at her phone and saw a text from Jinxx. Smiling she grabbed her own Victoria Secret bag and left and said goodbye to everyone.

*Zoes POV*

I'm so excited for tonight! Zoe though to herself. Pulling off all her clothes she got into the shower and quickly washed her and everything else then getting out she dried off and pulled up her hair. Then walking over to the bags off clothes she pulled out new underwear for the night to come. She put them on and then looking in the mirror seeing how it looked on her. Standing there she noticed how her scars weren't as visable anymore. Smiling at thought. She then slipped into the dress she bought. It was black strapless with a laced back and then some heels she also bought. Putting them on she felt happy. Grabbing a purse that watched her outfit she went to the living room and sat on the couch which by that time Andy was there now and he started to talk to Zoe.

*Ashleys POV*

Sammi why does she always have to ask so many questions he thought to himself. Turning on the shower he stepped in and let the water rush over him has he though about Zoe. I've only known her a month how serious can I be about loving her. That thought ran over and over in his head but he couldn't help but feel love towards her. She made him so happy, she's beautiful beyond words, most important she doesn't like me just for my looks or fame. Turning off the water he stepped out and dried off and pulled on a tank top and then leather jacket over it then some jeans. Carefully fixing his hair he made it perfect by his standards and then walked out of the room towards the laughter of Andy and Zoe.

"Hey Ashley!" Andy called "Zoe is so funny!" Smiling Ashleh nodded head and agreed. Then asking "Are you read to leave?" "Yup!" Zoe said. Then walking out toward the car Ashley opened the door for Zoe letting her in and then he got in himself.


*the restaurant*

"Well here we are" Ashley said smiling then they both got out of the car and held hands to the door once there Ashley opened it and they both walked to the waiter and Ashley said "Table for two" then the waiter took them to a table. Sitting there talking mid conversion Ashley looked down and noticed that Zoe wasn't wearing any bracelets. He then asked "Zoe where are your bracelets?" Looking down Zoe remembered "Oh I don't need them anymore. I've relised that when I'm with you I have nothing to hide" Smiling Ashleh as Zoe began to finish dinner.

Promise I'll write more later!!

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