Chapter 16: Surprises, Surprises

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The day was December 16, and it was also the day of Zoe's baby shower. All of Black Veil Brides was invited including their girlfriends. Ashley also had something planned for the occasion.

Zoe sat on the couch next to Ashley with one hand on her clearly visible baby bump and she held Ashley's with another. She then heard Andy say "Looks like this is the last one" as he handed her the box wrapped in a big pink bow. "It's from Juliet and I" Andy said as he sat back down. Smiling Zoe nodded her head and opened the present. She awed as she picked up the two black baby onesies. The first one said "Wretched" and the second said "Devine". Ashley laughed and said "Now we'll have to decided who's going to be which" Zoe laughed to and thank you and sat the gift down next to all the other gifts. Zoe was about to get up when Ashley said "Wait, I have one more present for you" Zoe looked confused and said "You didn't have to get me anything Ash" Ashley just smiled and walked out of the room. "Do any of you know what he's doing?" Zoe asked everyone. They all shook their head. Zoe sighed and waited for Ashley. Minutes later she heard Ashley call from down the hall "Zoe! Close your eyes" she did as she was told and Ashley came down the hallway with the gift. "Okay you can open your eyes now" Ashley said. Zoe opened them to find Ashley on one knee, holding a little black box, with a diamond ring surrounded by sapphires in it. "Will you make me the happiest man on earth and do the honor of marrying me?" Zoe eyes filled up with tears of happiness she leaned forward to hug Ashley and she said "Yes! Yes! Of course I'll marry you!" She hugged him and sat back some and Ashley slid the ring on Zoe's finger smiling. They both heard clapping from everyone in the room and several congratulations. Zoe then grabbed Ashley's shoulders and pulled him in for a kiss and Ashley wrapped his arms around Zoe embracing the kiss. The kiss must of lasted some time because Jake went "Get a room you two!" Jinxx laughed and said "Looks like they already did remember?" Ashley pulled away from the kiss and stood up and then helped Zoe up. He walked over to Jinxx and Jake and punched them both in the arm. "Oww what was that for?" They both said rubbing their arms. Laughing Ashley said "Just felt like it" they all laughed and continued on with the party.

About a week later Sammi takes Zoe dress shopping with her to get her wedding dress and her bridesmaid dresses.

Zoe's POV

I stepped into another dress, being careful of my baby bump. My consultant pulled the ribbon at my back slightly, then tied a bow. I looked in the mirror, then at Sammi, small tears in my eyes.

"You think this is the one?" Sammi asked.

I nodded. "It's beautiful." This strapless dress had a slight chrome tint to it, flowing in a mermaid style. The skirt was satin with a small train, and the rest of the dress was covered with intricate designs of sparkly embroidery and rhinestones. I smiled again, looking at Sammi through the mirror. "This is the one!"

She grinned. "Awesome! You look fantastic in it." She gave me a hug, and I returned back to the fitting room to change into my regular clothes.

Soon I was back in comfy clothes that let my baby bump breathe clearly. I took a seat on a small couch, waiting for Sammi; she'd told me that she had something to show me.

In a few minutes, Sammi returned, wearing a beautiful gown. Supported by thin black straps, the top was a black corset with zigzag ribbon ties at the sides, and another zigzag pattern ribbon tie at the back. The corset ended with a petal style, and the skirt was ruffled with a gradient-dye of dark blue, purple, and light blue. I smiled widely. "That looks amazing!!" I exclaimed. "Like, extremely incredibly amazing!"

"I knew you'd love it," she said, giving me a grin. "I tried my best to find one that was perfect."

"Well, you found one that surpasses perfect," I said. I stood and gave her a hug. "Thanks so much, Sammi."

My dress was in alterations so it would be easier to wear with my baby bump, and the bridesmaid dress order had been placed. I was walking down the street to the car with Sammi, when all of a sudden, I froze. Ryan?

He was walking down the street about a block away, his arm wrapped around a new girl. 'Best of luck to her,' I thought. Then the girl smiled and kissed him back. 'Wait, what?'

Sammi interrupted my thoughts. "What's wrong, Zoe?"

"Umm, my ex is about a block away.." I noticed they were walking in our direction. "They're getting closer."

"Just calm down, and act natural. Maybe he won't notice you."

I nodded, walking down the street again.

We eventually intersected, and Ryan came up to me; that's when I noticed the engagement ring on his finger. He took notice of my baby bump and soon-to-be wedding ring. I stood closer to Sammi for protection; I wasn't going to let him hurt my baby.

A smile grew on Ryan's face, and he took my hand, squeezing it slightly. "Wow, Zoe, I guess miracles have been happening to the both of us lately! Best of luck to you and... Ashley, isn't it?"

I nodded, growing in confusion.

"Well, seeya around, I guess." He gave me another smile and then returned his attention to his girl, walking off.

I gave Sammi a quizzical look. "Well that was... interesting."

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