Chapter-4 You're Perfect

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"Good Morning" Ashley whispered into Zoe's ear. Smiling Zoe sat up and said "Tonight was the first night in weeks I didn't wake uo in tears." "Hugging Zoe, Ashley said "That's because with me you are safe" Then Ashley got up and went into the kitchen and filled to glasses with cold water and then walked over to Andy and Jake who were still asleep on the floor.Ashley then poured the two glasses of water onto Jake and Andy's head. They both woke up very angryly but then they all started laughing. About and hour later Andy and Jake leave. Leaving Zoe and Ashley alone again. Looking over at Zoe, Ashley says "What shall we do today?" "I don't know" Zoe said and moved closer to Ashley. Ashely then wrapped his arm around Zoe and said "I don't care what we do, as long as I can be with you" Ashley then leaned into kiss Zoe. Zoe leaned in as well. Lost in the moment of the kiss Ashley slides his hand up Zoe's thigh. Although to his surprise his hand was pushed away. Zoe then looked at Ashley and said "Not now love. Later" Then Zoe got up and walked to the bathroom to take a shower. Leaving Ashley sitting on the couch not knowing what to do with himself.

Hours later, Zoe and Ashley were cuddled up on the couch watching a movie. Then near the end of the movie Ashley trys to make another move on Zoe buy kissing her neck up and down. Zoe turned at looked at Ashley, 'I don't know if I can" Zoe said softly" "Why's that" Ashley said back still kissing her. "I have scars in more places then just my wrists.." Zoe said moving her hands across her thighs. Ashley sat up and looked at Zoe and said "Zoe, you're scars don't change how I see you, remember" Zoe smiled and leaned into kiss Ashley. Ashley smiled and kissed her back.

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