Chp. 1

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So here I am today in my room getting dressed in my school uniform; a ugly blue blazer, red and blue striped tie, white short and a grey skirt that ends mid thigh, knee high socks and ugly ass shoes, my hair in a messy pony tail, black nail polish and dark smoky eyeshadow.

I made my way downstairs to the kitchen for some coffee and a poptart before walking to school. I've been in New Jersey for a month now, I kinda like it.... I mean I can live without the crime and bullying at school, but other than that I like it here. Just one thing I haven't mentioned yet... the couple that adopted me are the parents of Gerard and Mikey Way of MCR. I have yet to meet them, they've been touring alot. I am a fan of their music and I hope that they like me.

It's been 3 months now and I'm finally gonna be meeting my new 'brothers' for the first time, their coming over for dinner along with the rest of the band. Right now, I'm walking down the hallway yo my next class when I was suddenly shoved roughly into the lockers making me drop all of my books. I kneeled down to picking them up and I glanced up at the person that shoved me... Chad Michaels. Popular, star football player, and a major asshole.

"You need to stay out of my freak!" Chad sneered at me. His possy standing close beside him.

I can see the looks on their faces told me that I should run right now, but in fear, I froze in place. I learned 2 1/2 months ago that it doesn't matter if I'm a girl, these high maintenance people here will hit whoever doesn't live up to their standards. Silently, I braced myself, then I felt a pair of hands grab my arms picking me up and shoving me against the lockers and a fist hit my face then my stomach. Falling to the ground I clutch my stomach in pain trying to will myself to not puke in the halls.

They finally left me alone in a pathetic state on the floor, yet no one even bothered to help me out, so I picked myself up and dragged myself to the restroom to...
1.) Look at the damage. And..
2.) I'm ditching the rest of my classes.
I hate this. I felt so weak. I have no friends here at school I'm a complete outcast. Looking at myself in the mirror I see someone who should have died 2 years ago in a car wreck with my parents. Guilt hung heavy over me, weighing me down. I almost want to cry, but crying is weakness and I'm already vulnerable. When the halls were cleared I quietly and quickly made my way off school campus and to the nearest coffee shop and waited out the rest of the school day before heading home.

2 hours later, 3 cups of coffee and pouring rain. School finally let out a deal I now have to walk home, stepping out of the coffee shop I was soaked from head to toe within minutes of walking through puddles. It took a half hour to walk home and by the time I reached the front door I looked like a drowned cat. I winged out as much water as I could from my hair and clothes before stepping inside the house taking my shoes off by the door and made my way to my room to change my clothes, dry my hair, redo my makeup and do what little homework I have with me.

Adopted By The Ways (Gerard and Mikey Way)Where stories live. Discover now