Chapter 6

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Kathryn felt relieved when they boarded on the plane. It's like, a huge rock has been lifted off her chest. Thank heavens, Daniel made it before they went inside for boarding. She really thought Daniel's gonna avoid her for quite too long. Of course, he would! Who wouldn't be hurt of your insensitive words? She scolds herself. Daniel's just too selfless. It's more important for him to see her than to think of his own hurt feelings. He made sure that Kathryn won't be guilty of her actions. She clearly remembers what happened earlier..

Enrique was completely dragging her with his left hand towards the entrance for boarding passengers. All she did was glance back and fourth from the door and Enrique. She can't keep calm and God knows why. She can't believe she won't be able to see Daniel before they fly to Bhutan. She expected him to go after her and maybe give her a hug before she go. But here they are, already minutes away from boarding and still, no Daniel showed. She can't hide her disappointment. Who is she kidding? She knows she'll definitely miss him. His jokes, his cheesy lines, his heartwarming laugh, his mischievous pranks, his tight hugs, and his sweet and authoritative reminders to take care and always eat well. I guess I'm getting too used of always being with him. She inwardly stated.

"Let's go?" Enrique got her attention.

"Err.. Yeah." She nodded reluctantly.

But before they completely enter, a deep voice shouted her name. They immediately glanced back at the person who's running after them wearing ripped jeans and black shirt.

"Kath!" He shouted. Kath's eyes widen in surprise as she stare to a tall, fair, handsome man walking towards her. She blinked a few times just to make sure she's not dreaming. But no matter how many times she blinks, she still sees Daniel walking towards her with a satisfied smile on his face.

She got out of Enrique's grip and walked towards where Daniel is.

Daniel stopped in front of her slightly panting. He smiled and enveloped her in a tight hug. She smiled as she felt relaxed then hugged him back.

"I'm so glad I was able to made it in time." He murmured.

"Where have you been? I've been calling you for the last past hours." She can't contain her worry.

"I'm sorry. I left my phone at home. I woke up late and when I saw what time it was, I immediately drove here. And it was a little bit traffic on the way here." He explained.

She looked at him in the eyes and smiled warmly at him.

"I thought you'll never gonna go see me before I go. I was about to get mad at you and planned that I would ignore you forever." She said.

"Really, huh? Well, you must have been so eager to see me. I know you're gonna miss me." He grinned.

Kathryn pinch his waist and rolled her eyes. Daniel automatically rubs his waist mocking hurt.

"I guess you could say that." She beamed.

"I'm gonna miss you more, Baba. I'm gonna miss your laugh, your smart mouth, your vanilla-scented hair.." He said as he hug her again while he nuzzles her hair and kiss it.

"I guess, it's about time to use the shampoo I bought." He beamed. "Take care, okay? I'll see you soon. I can't wait for you to get back. Let's have a date, hmm?" He whispered through her hair.

"Yes, I'd love to." She softly replied. She remembered what happened last night. She really wants to say sorry for hurting his feelings.

"Hey, about last night.." She started to say.

Who would have thought?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon