Chapter 8

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"Why did you fetch me by the way? Where's Kuya Mar?" I asked Daniel as he stop the car engine.

We decided to stop by at an ice cream parlor before going to our shoot's location. I craved for it and as usual, DJ was more than willing to give in to all I want. I'm really lucky to have this guy.

He unbuckled his seatbelt and turned his gaze on me.

"I told him to go home. I just want to surprise you on your first day of being a college student. I'm so proud of you, Ba." He said as he kiss my temple.

I smiled at him warmly.

"Thanks for always being supportive Pottie. Maybe you should go to college too." I said.

"Nah. You know how lazy I am at school. I'll just stick to acting." He chuckled.

I frowned at him, "Seriously Pot, you do know that you still have to come back to studying right? You can never be in this acting industry forever." I know that he can earn a lot and can support his whole family with our work but still, having a degree makes a big difference. It widens our capabilities that we might need to use in the future.

"I know that. Just not now. I'm focusing on our projects." He said and smiled reluctantly.

I sighed and unbuckled my seatbelt. He got out of the car and jogged to open my door for me. We walked hand in hand as we enter the store. As we enter the store, the bell door rang so most of the customers turned their gazes at us. They gasped as they saw us enter. There are also a lot of kids and they were pointing at us cheerfully.

We walked towards the counter to order. Daniel asked what flavor I want and he ordered it for me. I just stood behind him and looked around the store.

"Mommy! Isn't that Chichay and Joaquin?" I heard a little girl asked her mommy and pointed at us.

"Yes baby." Her mom answered as she wipes the girl's mouth because of the ice cream she just ate.

"Chichay is so pretty! I want to have a picture with them! Please take a picture of us! Please!" The little girl kept on pulling her mom's shirt.

"Okay, okay! Calm down, sweetie. Let's ask them for a picture." The mom took her phone from her bag and held her daughter's hand.

I watched them as they walk towards us. I smiled at them.

"Hi, my daughter badly wants a picture with you. Is it okay?" The mom asked softly.

"Sure, of course." I said then nod.

I poked DJ's back, "Pot, someone wants to have a picture with us." I whispered.

He looked back at me then turned his gaze to the two people beside me.

"Okay. Wait, I just have to put this down first." He said before putting down the tray he's holding.

I bent down at the little girl and touched her braided hair.

"Hi there, pretty girl. What's your name?"

"I'm Bea! You're so pretty! I want to be just like you someday!" She said cheerfully then beamed. This girl's smart! It's obvious.

"Aw, you're such a cutie! Thank you! You're pretty too!" I said then pinched her cheek lightly. She giggled.

"How old are you?"

"I'm five! I'm a big girl now! I even know how to cook!" She said. I think she's just portraying about her cooking toys.

I chuckled, "Is that so? Will you cook lasagna for me?" I asked.

Who would have thought?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon