15. Mistress Is So Proud Of You

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sometimes... we just really need a mommy domme... smut warning <3

Kristen's POV 

This was a lot. This was a lot more than Kristen was expecting, she was starting to realize there is a huge difference between doing research on a topic, fantasizing about the topic, and actually doing it.

A journal, letting someone else make basic decisions for her, she said she wanted things like that taken off her shoulder and now this woman was here beside her and she wasn't sure how she could possibly do all the things she signed up for. They were supposed to be watching Captain America but Kristen's mind was elsewhere. She knew Nicole said they should be done talking for the night but she still had more on her mind.

She felt stressed, her leg kept bouncing and she couldn't stop cracking her knuckles. She wanted to act normal but she felt... scared.

Nicole didn't seem to notice much though, she sat with her arm around Kristen's shoulder and she held her close but her attention was focused on the movie.

Kristen bit her lip, she didn't want to be annoying but she felt like she was gonna explode.

Kristen for the first time because of real stress, whines. She actively makes a sad noise from the back of her throat and whines like an upset child. "I don't think I can do this," Kristen says, jumping up and moving away from Nicole and the sofa. She starts to pace, she wraps her arms around herself and she breathes, she's trying to calm down but holy fuck is she nervous right now.

Nicole stands and follows Kristen; she doesn't get too close, but there is a concerned look on her face. "Sweetheart, can you tell me what's wrong?"

Kristen shakes her head. "I can't - my brain is moving too fast - I just feel wrong right now." Kristen takes a minute, breathes and then turns back to Nicole while continuing to pace. "What if I can't do this? What if I'm just playing pretend right now and wasting your time? I feel... so on edge right now."

"Honey, I think you need to you-"

"Don't. Don't try to make me feel better." Kristen snaps.

Nicole's eyebrow goes up in surprise, she doesn't say anything right away but Kristen sees the change in demeanor almost instantly. Nicole stands up straighter, she looks down at Kristen while only being a few inches taller than her. Then, Nicole crosses her arms, Kristen knows she fucked up now.

"Kneel." Is the only thing Nicole says, and Kristen stands there dumbfounded. What did she mean 'kneel'?

"Kristen, don't make me repeat myself." Nicole's voice is stern but not harsh, firm. Then it clicks for Kristen. The submissive pose of kneeling, of giving Nicole her submission.

Kristen's heart races but she sinks to the floor, her bottom laying against her feet, her hands on her thighs and her head down looking at her hands. Kristen lets out a shaky breath. She doesn't dare look up even when she notices Nicole moving closer.

Kristen jumps when Nicole's hand finds her head, Nicole notices and stills her movements for a moment, when she feels Kristen relax a little more she strokes her head slowly just pushing her hand back towards her ponytail and then starting over again at the front of her head. She doesn't say anything else and Kristen finds her heart rate slowing as she closes her eyes and simply enjoys Nicole's touch.

Kristen doesn't know how long they stay like that but long enough for her to feel more peaceful than she did watching that movie at first. The action from the Marvel movie was probably affecting her anxious feelings as well. She sighs, feeling more content as Nicole's hand drops down to her neck and rubs at the skin there.

Let Go (GXG, MD/LG) A Vanilla Introduction to SubmissionWhere stories live. Discover now