19. Aiden's Been Waiting

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Kristen's POV

"I have been waiting and waiting for details and now you're finally ready to call me back huh?"

"Listen! You set me up!" Kristen says "You put me at a table with her and set me up for being her sub without either of us knowing so when we did start the dynamic we didn't talk to anyone."

"Y'all should be thanking me," Aiden whines. Kristen could practically see Aiden flipping his hair in annoyance over the phone call.

Kristen had finally broken down and called her friend who she had and her domme had been ignoring the past few weeks. For Kristen it was hard to talk to him and explain he had been right the whole time. She was definitely a submissive and he had the perfect choice in mommy domme for her when she didn't even know she was little. It felt weird to call him and say 'guess what? You totally had me pegged!" When Kristen did feel in the beginning very embarrassed about the whole thing, It was a weird feeling to deal with.

But when she actually went out with Nicole and she was great; she was compassionate, and she made Kristen feel feelings she didn't even know were there inside her. Suddenly she wasn't all that embarrassed anymore.

"So yes... I am her sub now." Kristen decides to say next "and I do really, really, like it. Please, don't say 'I told you so,' I don't think I can handle that right now."

Surprisingly, Aiden is silent over the phone. Kristen can hear him breathing and knew he was probably deciding on what to say. Aiden is known to be a little overbearing and dramatic, sometimes too dramatic for Kristen to handle. It was nice he was trying to handle this with care.

"So how do you feel overall?" Is what Aiden decides on, it's an open enough question where if Kristen wants she can go into detail and if she doesn't want to and she can be vague. Kristen was feeling ready now, she just hoped he wouldn't judge her.

"I... I really have been enjoying myself, I feel really cared for in a way I haven't received before... like ever."

"Mommy and Daddy doms are so great for that. Probably the most emotionally compassionate." Aiden says, Kristen can hear the smile in his voice. "I've always wanted you to find someone who would take complete care of you. You always have so much on your shoulders."

Kristen had been self-sufficient since she was sixteen, her mother who she lived with was a single mom and wasn't present very emotionally for Kristen so she got a job and started taking care of things herself, taking the bus to get where she needed to go and pay for her own things. When she was sad she didn't have many friends to talk to so she learned how to self-soothe. Dating had always been okay for Kristen but she was never completely satisfied with her partners and how they loved her.

"I'm really starting to understand what it's like not to worry about things. There's this thing that Nicole and I do, she makes me send her my meals whenever I eat, even little snacks, and if I tell her I really like this one in particular she'll make sure to have it at her apartment when we play. Last time I went she had a whole pack of sour skittles for me because I told her they're something I eat because they taste good and because they help my anxiety. She really listens to me when I tell her things."

"That's amazing Kris," Aiden says "since you're a first time sub what are you doing to make sure you're in a good headspace and understanding your feelings about giving up control?"

Kristen thinks for a minute before answering. "I've always wanted to give up control, to have some of the weight on my shoulders be lifted off but I didn't realize how scary that was... to let someone else bear all my anxiety and feelings but the more and more I give up control and trust that Nicole has it, it gets easier. She has me write in a diary at least once a week but I've noticed I'm actually writing in it a lot whenever I have a lot of feelings."

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