Chapter 4

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"Ok, yes, I understand," Alina said as she got out of her car. She spotted a couple of the men that she met the day before leaning against the railing watching her. "I said yes," She sighed exasperatedly. "Well, I'm not at liberty to disclose that information. Yeah, well, you don't tell me detailed information when you leave on your missions, so now you have to get it through your thick skull that I don't have to tell you information on my jobs." She thought she saw the men cast looks at one another but when she looked again they were back to watching her as she approached the mansion. "I have to go, I'll talk to when I can. And if I find out you pry and use your skills to try and find out where I am, you will regret it," She said sternly that the men on the porch chuckled. "Anyway," She instantly turned sweet with a smile on her lips that it shocked them, making her chuckle internally. "I'm at work, I have to go, bye," She hung up her phone and slid it into her pocket. "Hello gentlemen," she said with her professional tone. "Mr. Taylor and Mr. Lee, was it?"

"That's right, I'm Luke," he said chuckling. "Just checking in with your family?"

"Something like that, Sir," she nodded.

"Hey breakfast is—" the front door opened and Victor stepped out. "Oh, hello Alina, you're here just in time. Come have breakfast with us."

"No thank you," she shook her head. "I already ate, and it would not be professional, but thank you for the offer."

"Are you sure?" he asked, "It really is no problem, there is plenty."

She shook her head, "It is not professional, Sir."

"Then what will you do while we eat?" he asked.

"I am perfectly content with my books," she said softly.

"If you insist," he said as the door opened again.

"Ali!" Melisma beamed as she walked out on the porch.

"Hello Melisma," Alina beamed as she knelt down to her level. "Are you excited for today?"

"Yep," she nodded, "come eat with us?"

Alina shook her head, "I already ate, but thank you for asking. I think this is special time with you and your daddies, you should spend it with them. Besides," She giggled softly, "I have this new book that I'm really excited to read. Remember how we were talking about books making us happy?" Melisma nodded and Alina smiled, "So why don't you go spend this special time with your daddies before we have to leave and I'll read my book? How does that sound to you?"

"Okay," Melisma nodded then turned back to Victor, Luke, and Gabe. "Come on, Daddies, is ready."

"Are you sure?" Luke asked and Alina nodded, "well, will you at least come inside and wait in the living room then?"

"Okay," she nodded as she stood. She followed them inside then sat on the couch while they headed to the dining room. She pulled her book out and started becoming lost in the story.

"She actually said the Academy?" Victor asked and Luke shook his head.

"No, she said missions and use skills to try and find out where she was," Luke explained, "that sounds like she knows about the Academy."

"Plus, she did say she had family that travels all the time," Victor shrugged. "She could very well know about it. I guess we will just find out over time. I'll let you know if I find anything out."

"It will be neat if she did," Kota nodded. "There wouldn't be as many secrets to hide then."

"We can finish this discussion at another time," Owen said after taking a drink. "We need to finish eating before you have to leave."

Just as they were finishing up eating, there was a knock on the door. Owen stood and answered it, "Hello, Miss Smith, we were just finishing breakfast."

"Very well, Mr. Blackbourne," she said looking at her tablet. "We have to leave in ten minutes to stay on track, there is bound to be delays on the road if we do not leave soon. Has the babysitter arrived?" She asked with distaste.

"She is in the living room," Owen said sternly. "She has been here since 5:15."

"Oh," she said shocked then cleared her throat, "good. We must stay on track."

"So you said already," he said turning his back on her. "This way," he called out as he walked towards the living room. "Alina?"

"Yes Sir?" She asked sliding her bookmarker into her book then shutting it. "Time to leave?"

"It appears so," he said as he straightened his tie. "Where are your belongings and we can load them onto the bus for you?"

"That's okay," she shook her head, "I can do it, thank you."

"Ali!" Melisma beamed as she rushed over to her, "read me Elephant Tree, peas?"

Alina smiled, "I would love to read to you The Elephant Tree, but right now you really should be saying bye to your daddies. I can read to you later, okay?"

"Okay," she nodded as she rushed over to Owen.

Alina gathered her things then followed Victor, Melisma, and Miss Smith onto the touring bus. "We really should talk about the plans for your first stop," Miss Smith said as she sat at the table across from Victor and Melisma.

"In a minute," Victor said emotionless. "I'm spending time with my daughter."

"Isn't that why you had me hire a babysitter?" She asked. "To care for her while you are touring?"

"No," Alina interrupted. "Please excuse me for interrupting, but my position is to care for Melisma when Mr. Morgan is busy working. It is not my place to care for her full time, especially when her father is able to care for her. I only help when it is needed and he has already stated that he is not busy with work, so it is not my position to care for her at the moment. Once again, I apologize for interrupting, excuse me." She picked up her bag and walked off to the extra sleeping rooms.

Miss Smith huffed and walked off to another part of the bus and Victor forced back a smirk before turning his attention back to coloring with Melisma.

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