Chapter 46

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"I'm telling you I fucked up. She's never going to forgive me. Shit."

Alina slowly woke up to loud whispering.

"Shhh, keep your voice down. You don't want to wake her. By the looks of things she needs her sleep."

That sounded like Axel.

"I fucked up."

That was Marc and he sounded upset. Not wanting to interrupt she kept her breathing soft and slow.

"What happened? Talk to me...quietly unless you want to go to another room."

"I can't leave her, Ax, this might be my last time with her." What was he talking about?

"Why do you say that? What happened?"

"I pushed her."

"Like actually pushed her or what? Are you sure this isn't a Dom drop?"

"I'm positive," Marc sighed heavily and cleared his throat. "I didn't listen to her, Axel. I didn't respect her boundaries. She's going to hate me now."

"Marc, this sounds like a Dom drop," Axel whispered. "You need to explain more before I can help you. But honestly, knowing Doll, if she wasn't okay with something she would have made it perfectly clear. With brute force most likely too."

"She said no repeatedly, Axel," Marc groaned. "She even said let go, she was done, and..." he cleared his throat and sniffled, "she didn't agree with this."

"Shit," Axel sighed.

"Yeah," Marc cleared his throat again. "I told you I fucked up."

"What happened, Marc?"

"She was being bratty and then she said that just because we fuck her—"

"And your Dom needed to make it clear that we don't fuck," Axel interrupted.

"Yeah and when I tried to give her warnings to fix what she said or there will be consequences she turned even more bratty and asked what consequences because I always give in to her and always will. I snapped, I had to correct her."

"Well, she wasn't wrong about that, Marc," Axel chuckled, "you are a soft Dom when it comes to her. You have always given into her and you probably always will. You haven't had to be a brat tamer or alpha with her before. This is new for all of us when it comes to her, it's new to her too. Did she seem like she was truly serious when she said no or protested?"

"Kind of," Marc sighed, "but it was more like she didn't want to be spanked. She was soaking afterwards and her ass even sought comfort afterwards, I don't think she realized it. The play after was fuck, it was perfect to watch."

"You didn't participate?" Axel sounded shocked.

"I just watched and gave permission for them to cum. It was beautiful. And now it could be the last time I watch her sleep because I fucked up and didn't respect her boundaries. I'm so sorry if she leaves."

"Marc," Axel sounded like he was trying to catch Marc's attention. "You need to talk to her. Honestly it sounds like you are Dom dropping and she realized she would actually have to go through with an actual punishment instead of you just letting it go like you have before when she was a brat. Spend this time with her, and when she wakes, talk to her. Full communication from the both of you, set some new rules or boundaries if you need to ONLY if she decides she wants to stay. But mainly just listen to her, hear what she has to say and then go from there. Whatever she decides we have to respect."

"Okay," Marc whispered as he pushed some of her hair out of her face. "Thanks."

"Of course," Axel chuckled, "I love you, Marc. I'm always here for you, no matter what. Try to not worry, okay? I really do think everything will be okay."

"I love you too, Axel," Marc whispered. She heard them kiss then someone walked away, she was assuming it was Axel since seconds later an arm wrapped around her from behind then there was a kiss on the back of her head. "I'm so sorry Beautiful, please don't hate me."

She hummed softly and whispered, "My Marc," as she scooted closer to him.

"Always and forever, Beautiful," he whispered tightening his hold on her.

She laid there in his arms perfectly content until she heard him sniffle. "Marc?" she groggily asked as she rolled over with confusion on her face. "What's wrong Beany?"

"I'm so sorry Alina," he blurted out. "So sorry, please don't hate me."

"Why would I hate you?" she asked as she sat up, not caring one bit that she was completely naked.

"Because I didn't stop when you said you didn't agree with what was happening," he exclaimed shocked. "I didn't respect your wishes."

She smiled softly and cupped his cheek, "Oh Beany," she whispered. "Did I say bubbles?"

"No," he whispered.

"Then you didn't cross the line." She smiled, "did you forget that you had me create a safe word for just the two of us?"

"No," he sighed in relief.

"And what did you tell me the reason was for a safe word?"

"For me to know when you were uncomfortable or felt unsafe under any circumstances," he said gently "And I would get you out of whatever was happening and make you safe."

"I didn't think you would pin me down, it startled me and scared me but I didn't feel unsafe," she admitted. "I never feel unsafe with you. Even now as everything is changing." She sighed and closed her eyes, "it terrifies me beyond anything but I still know in my heart that I'm safe with you."

"Oh Alina," he sighed in relief as he pulled her into his lap. "I love you Beautiful so fucking much."

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