Chapter 5

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"So how goes it with the nanny?" Nathan asked as Victor sat down at the table and yawned.

"She's great with Melisma," Victor shook his head. "She took her to the zoo yesterday while I was performing. She even got her an elephant stuff animal. Melisma loves her."

"Anything else?" Silas asked and Victor shook his head. "You aren't making any progress with her?"

Victor smirked, "She is very professional. I walked by earlier after I was done doing a Skype interview and she was helping Melisma make a sandwich. Melisma asked if she was going to make me a sandwich too and she shook her head then told her that if she did, she would probably hurt Miss Smith's feelings because it was Miss Smith's job to help me and her job to help Melisma so it wouldn't be right for her to make me a sandwich but it would be okay if Melisma made me a sandwich, which made her super happy so she supervised her making a sandwich for me."

"And how was that?" Luke chuckled.

"Good," Victor chuckled. "Mayo and mustard, rotisserie chicken, salami, pepperoni, cheese, and pickles. Oh and sour cream and onion chips. She was very proud of herself."

"Let me guess, Melisma had the same thing," Kota smiled.

"Yep but her sandwich was cut into four triangles with no crust," Victor smiled. "She went back to her room while we ate together. I have yet to get her to become friends past the professional level."

"You still have time," Silas smirked. "It's only been a month. Where's Melisma?"

"Taking a nap," Victor smirked as he walked down the tour bus and gently opened the door. "Look," He whispered as he turned the camera around and they smirked seeing Alina holding Melisma, both fast asleep on her bed. He backed away and chuckled, "Apparently, they had such a blast at the aquarium that they toured it twice while I was performing."

"Any pictures?" Gabe asked and Victor shook his head.

"Only what Melisma took, Alina left her phone here. I told her I didn't want it but she still left it here when they left with the bodyguards."

"So she never uses it?" Kota asked and Victor shrugged.

"Sometimes I see her on it while Melisma is napping or after she goes to bed but most of the time I don't see her on it." He glanced up at the clock and shook his head, "Have to go, she will be waking soon and we still need to decide on where we are going for dinner."

"Hopefully we can come visit soon," Luke smiled as they hung up.

Victor sighed and shook his head then smirked as he sent the group the picture he took of Alina and Melisma sleeping together. He hoped soon he could figure out a way for them to become closer. He really wanted to get to know her more. Actually, if he was being honest with himself, he wanted to get rid of Miss Smith and have Alina be his personal assistant and help care of Melisma. Maybe then he could her to open up a little more and they could become friends.

A few minutes before they were going to stop to get something to eat, Victor headed to the room to let Alina know. He opened the door and froze when he heard her on the phone, "I already told you that I am not at liberty to discuss that, quit bugging me about it," She huffed in annoyance.

"Oh come on," a male's voice chuckled, "you need to tell me something so I can make sure you are safe, how else am I supposed to not worry about you?"

"You should know by now that I won't tell you anything," she huffed. "We go through this every time. I never tell you anything and yet I still remain safe and sound. You can't tell me about your missions and I can't tell you anything about my employers. Just accept it already."

"Alright, alright," The man chuckled. "Just check in every so often, alright?"

"Fine," She sighed. "I have to go; I might be needed soon." She hung up the phone and tossed it onto the bed before letting out another sigh.

"Hey," Victor said knocking on the door, making his presence known. "We are stopping to eat soon."

She nodded and he headed back to the table where Melisma was. Something about that voice on the phone bothered him. He knew it, he knew that voice but for the life of him, he couldn't place it. Who's was it?

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