Chapter 32

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"I'm not a sub, Marc, it's not going to work," she shook her head.

Marc chuckled, "there are different kinds of subs, Beautiful, and that's the wonderful thing about it, each relationship is different and customizable. What works for one person may not for another and it's okay. You are more of a brat than anything and that's okay with us, that's who you are. You already have submitted to us and you didn't even realize it."

"No, I haven't," she shook her head.

"Yeah you have," he nodded, "you allow us to check and make your food for you when you are with us, you let us take care of you—"

"That's just big brothers being protective over their little sister," she tried to argue back.

"OR," he smirked, "boyfriends taking care of their love and Doms caring for their brat, now eat, Beautiful, you have a doctor's appointment in an hour that you still need to get ready for." She picked up her fork and took a bite, Marc smiled internally when he saw that she didn't realize it, "We can go for ice cream afterwards regardless of what Doc Roberts says on how you are healing."

"Yay," she smiled then took another bite, just as she swallowed, she froze and glared at him, "that's not fair, you cheated."

Marc burst out laughing, "no I didn't, I asked if you wanted to test, and you didn't believe so all I did was show you how you already have. Why are you so scared, Beautiful? I thought you wanted a poly relationship, you use to say that having that kind of love would be beautiful to have, hell that's how I got your special name. What gives, Alina? Talk to me."

"Just stop," she shook her head as she pushed the tray away.

"No," he said moving the tray, "explain it to me. If you can thoroughly explain as to why you don't want a relationship with all of us then I will stop trying and I'll have the guys stop also, we will go back to just a plain sibling relationship. But if you are refusing just because you are scared of something changing between us or fear losing us or something like that then we won't stop, we will show you every single day how much we love you and how special you are to us, even after you finally believe us, we will never stop showering you with our love, Alina."

"Marc," she whispered as she looked up into his blue and green eyes since he was looming over her. Even though he had his hands on each side of her he kept just enough space that she didn't feel crowded.

"Tell me to stop, Beautiful," he whispered as he slowly leaned down and just barely kissed her, making her gasp. "Tell me and I will," he murmured as he kept giving her soft kisses. He gently bit her neck then licked the mark groaning when she let out a gasp and clutched his side. "Damn, Beautiful."

She tensed up and shoved against him, "No."

He sighed and took a step back, "Okay, Alina." He ran his hand over his face and took a deep breath, "What's going on in that pretty little mind of yours?"

"You're lying," She shook her head, "You can't show me love, love isn't real."

"What are you talking about?" he asked confused.

"Love isn't real," she repeated. "Our parents loved each other and all they did was scream at one another and fight and hurt each other. If love was real, they wouldn't have been like that. You can't give me the kind of love that the original owners of this house supposedly have because it doesn't exist."

"Oh Beautiful," Marc sighed, "it does, I promise, it does." He got on his knees in front of her and put his hands on her knees. "What our parents had wasn't love, they had a ton of other issues but that wasn't love. Love isn't always happy moments, there will be hard times, but I promise it will be worth it if you just give us the chance. I know you're scared, Alina—"

"I'm not scared," she glared at him making him chuckle as he pushed some hair out of her face.

"Ok, I know everything is changing and you hate change when it comes to us, but I promise we will never break your heart, you just have to give us the chance, Beautiful. Please? Let us treat you like we always wanted to."

"What if you find someone who isn't as fucked up later on?" she whispered.

"Never going to happen," he shook his head.

"You can't guarantee that," she glared.

"Alina, I would marry you right now if you were ready and what have I always said about marriage?" he asked staring into her brown eyes.

"You'll only marry once and it'll be to your true love and you'll never divorce," she whispered as she started to twirl her bracelets.

Marc smiled softly and took her hands in his, "Good girl, and who do you think is my true love is?"

"Axel, Brandon, Raven, and Corey," She blurted out. "And maybe the Blackbourne group."

"And?" Marc asked smirking.

"Me," she whispered looking down at their hands. "But...but..."

"But nothing," he grinned as he moved their hands to lift her chin so she was looking at him. "It's okay to be scared, Alina. No matter how long it takes, we conquer your fears until you finally believe us, just give us the chance."

A knock on the door had them both looking to see Sean opening the door, "We need to leave in 15 for the check up, sorry."

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