Chapter 13

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"They aren't in there," Victor shook his head as everyone came racing down the hall to the hotel room.

"What?" Luke gasped.

"They aren't in there," Victor repeated. "I went in and they aren't in there. There was a struggle, one or both of them are bleeding."

"What?" Sean asked and Victor nodded.

"There's blood on the knocked over table and on the wall. Not a lot but still." Victor sniffled, "Where are they, Owen? Marc?"

"I don't know," both of them said at the same time as Axel pushed open the hotel door. Every one of them growled as they saw the knocked over couch, table, broken glass, and paint all over the floor.

"Where are the bodyguards?" Nathan asked.

"Hospital," Victor sighed, "They were both unconscious when I arrived. They were tranquilized."

"Just what the fuck is going on?" Gabe asked as he looked around.

"I'm working on getting into the camera feed," Corey said as he typed away on his laptop. "Here."

They watched as Alina and Melisma are painting away and chuckle when they see the girls start painting on each other. They both stop at the same time and Alina grabs Melisma. Alina grabs her phone just as a man bursts through the door. Alina grabs the glass closest to her and throws it at the man while Melisma screams. The man dodges it, making it shatter on the wall behind him. She says something to Melisma who takes off running toward Alina's room while Alina tackled the guy and started shoving her thumbs into his eyes.

"Good Kitten," Raven smiled proudly as they watched the man try to choke her but she punched him in the throat then pulled a knife out of her boot and stab the guy in the ribs.

He grabbed her by the throat and slammed her into the ground, making her hit her head on the table, she crawled away then as the man grabbed her ankle she turned and kicked him in the face. She punched him in the throat again and stabbed him again.

Pulling herself off of him she stood, grabbed the counter, which explained the blood on it, and raced to her room. They see her head straight to the bathroom. She pulled open the cabinet under the sink and pulled out Melisma who clung to her.

"She knew right where she would be," Owen stated as he watched her check over his daughter.

"The first thing she does when she stays somewhere is plan where to hide a child in case of a kidnapping," Marc stated. "She always protects the child."

"Good Kitten," Raven nodded, "protect with life."

They watched her pick up Melisma, grab her purse and left the room through the window and head down the first escape.

The Blackbourne group turned to the Toma group, "where would she go?" Victor asked Marc.

"Her phone is either smashed or dead," Corey said typing away on his laptop. "I can't get a location."

"Where is she?"

"I don't know," Marc shook his head. "I can't think of any place she would go in this town."

"Then maybe she isn't staying in this town," Victor said. "Maybe she is heading back to our house."

"Nyet," Raven shook his head. "She not risk it. She got somewhere secret."

"So what are we supposed to do?" Luke asked panic starting to set in. "How are we supposed to find our daughter and make sure they are okay if YOU don't know where she would go?"

"Everyone try to calm down," Axel said as he rewatched the footage. "We need to focus on who this was first and why they would do this. I know Alina will protect Melisma with her life, wherever they are, they are safe. Let's try and focus on finding out who this man is and why he did this," he said while pointing at the man that was getting up off the ground and heading towards the door.

"He wouldn't go to a hospital," Sean mumbled, "so where would he go?"

"I'm checking," Corey said as he watched the footage. "He went out the back of the hotel and then....fuck I lost him."

"It's fine," Sean said standing behind Corey watching the footage. "He's bleeding which means we have his DNA. I'll put a rush on it."

"As soon as you get a name, send it out," Owen declared, "I want everything on him!"

"Got it," Sean nodded as he opened his medical bag and started gathering blood swabs from where the man bled based on the footage.

"Go back," Marc said as Corey watched the footage again. "Where is Alina's room?"

"Second door on the right, why?" Victor asked.

"I just need to see something," he murmured as he walked past the group.

He walked into her room and stood, taking everything in. "What you see?" Raven asked.

"She had Melisma come in here instead of her room, why?" Marc asked. "Why her room?"

"First place person look kidnap child be child's room," Raven shrugged. "She know that. I teach good. She did good."

"She did," Marc nodded, "now we just need to find where she is hiding."

"You know she left us a clue," Axel nodded as he came into the room, "we just need to find it."

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