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face claim | @gaiiamariAmori Rianna Carter | Am-or-ree

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face claim | @gaiiamari
Amori Rianna Carter | Am-or-ree

Hearing the annoying ring of my alarm I groaned and looked up at the time 5:45AM rolling my eyes I forcefully rolled myself off my cozy bed and headed off to the bathroom to freshen up.

After coming out of the bathroom I quickly threw on some leggings, black Uggs and a hoodie since it was early times of spring it was still cold as shit outside.

Picking an apple off the counter I grabbed my car keys off the key holder and left the house not wasting anymore time.

Unfortunately for me, I'm generally not a morning person because I tend to go bed late and wake up early with this goofy ass sleep schedule.

Pulling up my in school's parking lot I got out locking the car doors and made my way to the school's cafeteria before homeroom. I made it to the cafeteria and nearly the whole school was here I looked around for my friend group finding them I barged myself through the huge crowd.

Getting to their table absolutely tired my friend Niyah's face lit up and screamed "Riri!!" Running around the table to hug me smiling; I engulfed her into the hug.

"Hello Niyah" I mumbled as we pulled away to see the rest of the guys at the table. Sighing I hugged everyone one by one then moved to sit down next to Jay to hear Niyah gossiping about her new job that she got a couple weeks ago.

"Mhm and she said she let him fuck after allat, I couldn't let that side if it were me" she scoffed and rolled her eyes then looked around the canteen before she got up.

Looking back at the guys I noticed that they all look different I mean of course we were literally off school for so long because of winter break and then the fire that happened so nobody really got to see each other.

Because the school claimed that students were traumatised but I didn't really want to see them too tough because I used that break to work on myself and heal my trauma.

"Ri why you look so different?" Moe asked as he scanned my face. I shrugged and then crossed my arms tugging the hoodie closer to chest as it was mad cold in here.

"Nah nigga yo ass look different for real" Kai added on as he scrunched up his face.

"Yeah dummies she got a body now" Jay jokingly.. said. Mugging him I rolled my eyes and put my head on the table.

"What? Yo ass was flat as hell before" Jay continued.

"Nigga shut up" Moe said as I heard a slap connect to his head laughing I stood up and told them I was heading over to the food area before it closed. Picking up a chicken and mayo wrap I headed off to homeroom.

"Hello Ms Carter nice of you to be here" Mr Gilbert and his funky ass said as I went to the back of the class and sat down and silently ate my wrap seeming that form started in the next five minutes.

Getting to the end of my wrap the first bell of the day rung indicating the school day has officially started throwing my trash in the bin I went and sat back down as everyone started to pile in.

Homeroom groups usually alternate so this year people who I've never seen before sat down closer to the front whilst the people I'm familiar with sat down in the back of the class.

During the middle of form where the teacher goes through all the rules of the school like we ain't been doing this since middle school, I took my phone out my hoodie pocket to text Niyah from the other form group down the hall.

And she just kept rambling about this cute guy in the class who kept staring at her and giving seductive looks, but then the closer she stared she said he began to look like a ninja turtle.

Causing me to slightly laugh as I remember the meme, but this chuckle unfortunately caught the teacher's unwanted attention.

"Erh Ms Car-" he began but then got interrupted by some guy. Using this perfect opportunity to go back on my phone.

"Hello Mr Henderson you must be the new exchange student?" As this little interaction was going on all I could hear was the gossiping of girls talking about how hot and dangerous he is. Then the guys talking about competition like nigga if you don't get the fuc-

"You can go sit by Ms Carter so maybe she can stay off that phone" he exaggerated like we all know I was on my phone calm yo ass down. Hearing my name come out his mouth I looked up to see him shuffling towards me then looking back at Mr Gilbert to see him smirking.

This nigga really thought he did sum with that.

Kissing my teeth I looked back at the guy who was slouching in his chair, scanning his outfit I noticed that he was wearing an all black outfit from his hoodie to his damn shoes. Looking at his shoes I saw all black cat Jordan 4's.

Them bitches really hard to get out here in ATL cause them bitches are expensive and everybody round here are broker than a muthafucka.

Turning back round in my seat I tuned out the rest of what Mr Gilbert was saying and rested my head on my desk until the next bell rang signalling first period.

Putting my phone back in my pocket I was about to pick up my bag when Mr Gilbert stopped me "Ms Carter and Mr Henderson can I have a quick word please?" Rolling my eyes I internally groaned putting my bag on my shoulder and walked over to his desk.

"Since Mr Henderson is a new exchange student and you as my best student I'd love for you to show him around the school" he unfolded as he dragged out nearly all of his damn words.

"I'm sorry Sir but he's technically a grown ass man he can figure it out himself just like the rest of us when we first started" I replied as I shrugged my shoulders and propped my bag back up on my shoulder.

"First of all language, second of all it's always good to be nice so you'll do what I told you or you'll be sitting in detention you choose" this nigga tried to seem so unbothered by shrugging his shoulders and picking up already marked assessments off his is desk.

This nigga is something else I'll tell you that for free.

Groaning I nodded my head and walked out of the class but then walked back in for a late slip, Mr Gilbert refused the first time because he wanted to teach me a lesson on being nice snatching the slip from him I walked out the class to see Henderson.

Holding my hand out he just looked at me cluelessly "your schedule" I said in a duh tone then took it from him reading over it I realised we were in the same class for literally everything and had the same free periods as me.

Nah the Universe has to be against me.

Looking around the hall I saw Mr Gilbert walking down the hall with a smirk on his face..

this lil nigga made Henderson's schedule.
- edited

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