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Amori Rianna Carter | Am-or-ree

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Amori Rianna Carter | Am-or-ree

"How much you wanna bet she ain touch yo stuff?" Henderson asked as we neared around my neighbourhood and I haven't seen nun unusual yet.

"Ion know nigga we'll see" Henderson turned the corner to reach my house at the end of the street and luckily my threat worked cause this lady ain't dumb enough to dash my shit outside.

Getting out the car I unlocked the door and went upstairs to start packing my shit, I had a few suitcases and that from my holiday with Niyah last year I took out the suitcase and began putting my clothes in the case.

I opened up all of my drawers to make it easier for myself, I have a lot of clothes so I don't know how I'm finna fit everything inside the suitcases but I have a few duffle bags from when I did track.

I had now emptied two of my drawers and I had a bit more space for some more, folding up my jeans I heard the bedroom door close looking up I saw Henderson pull out my vanity chair.

"You're staying with me" he said as I was zipping up the suitcase.

"No I'm not" I replied mid way of fully zipping up the case.

"I'm not asking Amori".

"Okay? I've already asked Niyah and she said I can stay with her" I finally finished zipping up the case and rolled it over to the door avoiding contact because I'm obviously lying outta my ass right now.

But he don't needa know that.

"Don't lie to me".

Okay. Maybe he does.

Turning around I gave him a cheeky smile "I ain't lying".
Chuckling I pulled out my next suitcase to now fill up this with all of my clothes from my closet and them bitches ain't gonna fit.

I was planning on leaving some stuff here, but now that she's done kicked me out I ain't coming back.

"Now that you're here can use pass me the clothes in that drawer?" I pointed over to the other dresser with some clothes in there hopefully it ain't my underwear and shit.

"Mhm" he hummed and got up off the chair I watched him as he opened up the drawer watching his face to see if it's my underwear or not.

But this nigga's poker face is suttin else.

"Nigga you staring" he cut his eyes at me then picked up a nice sexy piece of red lingerie.
Rushing up I immediately pushed him away from the drawer and shut it.

"Chill I've already seen it" he smirked moving me out the way he began taking the underwear out the drawer and putting them on top of the dresser.
Walking away from him I pulled the vanity chair over to the closet to take out my duffle bags from the shelves.

Getting down I walked back over to him "put them in this bag and don't get too fucking comfortable" I pointed my index finger at him tryna be serious but then a little smile broke out causing him to wave me off and stuff the panties in there.

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