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Amori Rianna Carter | Am-or-ree

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Amori Rianna Carter | Am-or-ree

"Put on these pyjamas nigga" I held up his pyjamas and he shook his head no, they weren't proper pyjamas it was only the black plaid trousers and a white t-shirt, with mine being a long sleeve white t-shirt with the short version of the plaid trousers.

I had the facial headband on with my fluffy socks and crocs, this nigga didn't have to wear allat pants just the simple fit "it's not even bad".

"Not the point" he uttered he got up off the large beanbag and began taking off his clothes he had them boxer shorts on he put the plaid trousers on as well as the top.

"See now we look cute".

"Whatever" he mushed my head away then picked me up my legs wrapping around his waist, he turned us around we were facing the mirror, I leaned down picking my phone up off the bed.

I opened the camera app "turn to the side" I told him and he did he quickly moved his hands from being under my thighs to being under my ass.

"I can fuck you so good in this positi-" I put my hand over my mouth and shook my head disapprovingly.

"No nigga none of that" I moved my hand away then snapped the picture, I opened it and it wasn't bad just looked unorganised.

Had Von mugging me and me smiling in the photo, I saved it as my home-screen photo "let's go" he walked out the room and closed the bedroom door behind me when it came to him walking down the stairs I was kinda scared.

Cause what if started to tumble down the stairs, just know that I'm leaving him on the floor. He successfully made it downstairs and we left the house luckily the door automatically locks because of the system my dad put on it.

He walked over to the car and opened the passenger side door, putting me down the seat I held onto his face and pecked his lips "thank you" he nodded his head and got into the driver's side.

He drove off and I sat back watching the cars, trees, buildings, parks etc move past as this nigga sped down the empty street.

"Let's get some Wendy's or whatever you want so we don't have to pay for the movie theatre food" he nodded his head and turned on the indicator to drive into KFC even though he hates it.

The drive-thru wasn't necessarily empty it only had a few cars in the queue, he drove over to there as we got into the line the car in front drove to the next window.

"Welcome to KFC can I get your order?" A monotoned voice said behind the speaker.

"Hold on" Von said in response.

I took my seatbelt off, and I leaned over him "hi can I get two spicy chicken burgers, with the spicy chicken tender combo and for the sides can I get two Mac and Cheese?" Feeling Von grabbed up on my ass I mugged him. "Move nigga" I whispered.

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