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Amori Rianna Carter | Am-or-ree

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Amori Rianna Carter | Am-or-ree

Nothing much happened after we finished watching the movie cause we all fell asleep and woke up with my neck and back both broke from the pain of lying uncomfortably on the damn couch.

"Who tryna drop me home?" I would've asked Henderson but he a lil b. i. t. c. h and he always tryna argue with somebody.

Nobody answered me and they just looked around the room giving side eyes "y'all are so fucking annoying" getting up I walked into the kitchen to ask Henderson.
"Can you drop me home please?" I asked politely cause I ain't tryna hear him go off unprovoked.

"Yea" he mumbled then picked his car keys off the counter and walked to the front door, but I quickly needed to get my charger and all of them were giving me weird looks as if they know it all.

"Not too much y'all not too fucking much" I mumbled then gave Niyah a hug and left Henderson already waiting in the car for me.

As I got in not even able to put my seat belt or nun on this nigga sped off as I listened to the music in the background his phone started to ring.

"Yo?" He answered.

"... I only got a half on me right now" he replied.

Lord please don't tell me he about to sell with me in the car..

"Ight" with that he hung up and changed direction and sped off in the opposite direction of my house really and truly he could've dropped me off since my house was literally two blocks away and according to the speeding limit he drives fast as hell.

Groaning he parked up and weighed his shit before putting it in a lil baggie.

He put his window down and called them over with that gesture, the person came over and instead of collecting what they came over for I guess I sparked their interest.

Looking me up and down whilst licking his lips he asked "this you?" But nothing in the world coulda prepared me for his answer but I lowkey wanted him to say yes..

"Yea" he mumbled causing my face to be kinda shocked and side eye him a lil bit like man why you lying typa face.

"So why her face say sum a lil different" the boy responded and they did that lil handshake where they exchange the weed and money, and Henderson dropped his money in the cup holder.

"Ion know nigga get away from ma car" he mumbled and sped off not even allowing the boy to move, wouldn't be surprised if his head was disconnected from his shoulders.

Shaking my head I sat there impatiently just wanting to be in my bed and get this day over and done with.

In due time I felt him come to a stop, I look up and see that we're in my neighbourhood thanking him I wasted no time in getting out locking my door I heard him speed down the empty street praying that one day he gets a speeding ticket.

"Where you been?" Bri asked me standing in the dark hallway like some fucking ghost.

"I was at a friend's house-"

"That boy's house?" She interrupted.

"No I was with my friends and he dropped me off" I mumbled as I took off my forces and putting them on the rack.

"Why should I trust you Amori? You always leave and I never know what time you coming home?" She dramatically threw her hands up into the air like I'm not about to be 18 and moving out the first chance I get.

"I don't have time for this all this arguing is exactly why I don't come home" I pushed past her and stormed up the stairs to get freshen up and calm down.

"You ain't allowed in the school for two weeks!!" She yelled after me as I got in my room but really and truly it was fine for me because now I can work more and put money towards my lil apartment.

It ain't nothing special but it just to get me off my feet until I make a whole leap of money and I can move out and buy a proper house.

Luckily for me I showered and ate when I was Henderson's house so all that was left for me is to sleep getting in bed I was just about to fall asleep when someone knocked on my bedroom doors.

Thinking back to what Joe told me about breathing I did just that and waited for this person to leave because maybe they just thought that I was asleep.

Until another knock rang through the room, sighing I mumbled a "come in" with my head cuddled up underneath my covers.

"I forgot to mention that my friend from work is coming over tomorrow with her son I'd like you to be there" Bri explained as I groaned not wanting to interact with nobody.

"Bri this couldn't wait till tomorrow?"

"No Amori I'm saying it now so I don't forget" mumbling a quick okay to her she finally left my room and I was able to sleep without being disturbed.

Last night my dumbass forgot to turn the alarm off of my phone so now I'm up at 5AM doing nothing and because I wanted to be a lil productive I forced myself to go freshen up and look for some clothes to go jogging in.

I put on these biker shorts but they were tight ass hell, and a sports bra and my hair thrown into a messy bun on the top of my head.

I went downstairs and grabbed a granola bar with some fruits then sat there on my phone for a good hour or two, getting my lazy ass up I finally left the house then sat on the step thinking of a route to take.

I'll end up passing the basketball court and the park on my way so those are going to be my rest points. Putting in my AirPods and blasting some Polo G I began jogging.

When I was younger I loved track, my parents would take me to all my track meets I won trophies and medals from my races, but as you get older you become less motivated to do things if you ain't disciplined.

Turning around the corner I heard shouting coming from the basketball court I squint my eyes to see who is over there and I notice that everyone is there except for Niyah I put my head down and jogged past them until..

"Ri!! What are you doing out here?!" Jay yelled causing me to stop running put a smile on my face and turn around swiftly on my heels.

"I'm jogging Jay" I chuckled as I opened up the gate and walked over to them.

"When did you start running?" Junior questioned.

"She's been running since she was a lil girl" Akeem grumbled as he wiped the sweat of his forehead with a rag.

"If you don't mind I'm going to get back to my jog" I was about to walk away but Jay just don't know how to shut up.

"Nah stay with us" groaning I unfortunately complied.
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