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Amori Rianna Carter | Am-or-ree

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Amori Rianna Carter | Am-or-ree

As soon as I got into my lesson I was bombarded with questions just cause they don't see me getting angry in class no more don't mean I'm approachable or want to talk to them weird bitches.

"When did you and Von start dating?" Some girl with red straight hair asked.

"Are you and Von a thing?" Another girl with black curly hair and green eyes asked with a disgusted face, now she too pretty to be acting like that.

"Can y'all move out my fucking way?" I pushed past all them as I got to my seat I went to sit down hearing of all them gossiping about my relationship with someone that shouldn't matter to them.

Cause it ain't none of their fucking business, see I was a changed individual and soon as I get into school they turn me back.

As soon as the teacher came in the gossiping stopped "welcome class as you know today's new topic is stem cells and how they can be used to help treat cancer and any other diseases" the teacher explained looking around the class every thing seemed different.

Until it clicked.

Oh hell nah this can't be my lesson I don't do or want to partake in biology.

Putting my hand up waiting for the teacher's acknowledgment "Amori".

Putting my hand down I asked "can I go to the reception office?"

"Yes make sure you come back" he pointed his finger at me but no promises cause this is not my lesson I got it updated after I got put in isolation so I should have business, sociology and psychology not fucking science.

In my high school you do three subjects but you're at school for a full day like everyone else but it changes as you get older so in middle school you do eight then you get to high school you choose your three subjects.

And the subjects you choose are supposed to get you into the college you want.

I walked towards the reception office and saw Von walking out of the locker room and this nigga looked too fine in his lil sports attire, I finally made it to the office "Amori? How can I help you?" Delilah asked behind the counter.

Now I love this lady to bits, she's helped me with so much she's like a mother figure to me.

"Yeah I wanted to check my timetable cause it's all wrong" I showed her the timetable that I was given it had science, social studies and sociology as these subjects are the ones I did before I changed them but I asked some other lady to put my lessons at different times cause of counselling.

"Oh yeah" she frowned. "These are your old subjects?" she questioned and I nodded my head in agreement.

"Yeah lets change this now, it'll take some time so go wonder or back to lesson and come back in a hour"
Delilah smiled at me I thanked her and then walked away.

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