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Amori Rianna Carter | Am-or-ree

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Amori Rianna Carter | Am-or-ree

"What's up witchu?" Henderson finally speaks up after staring at me for the past five minutes and that's all he came up with I really thought I was abouta get a sorrowful apology.

More like what's up witchu nigga?!?!!

"Man-" I smacked my hands onto my thighs "-I'm not about to do this so I'm gonna head back" I jump up off the counter and make my way back into the lil cinema room to finish off my Big Mac.

Getting comfortable on the bean bag Niyah taps my shoulder "what was that all about?"

"I'll tell you later" she hesitates for a second then nods her head moving to cuddle back up with Akeem.

Near the ending of the movie Henderson comes back in the cinema room probably doing God's knows what, then me not minding my own fucking business once a fucking gain I'm seeing hickeys back on his neck.

How the fuck- ain't no way my boy. Ain't no fucking way.

I'll be very honest right now, I really and truly don't have feelings for him I just met the guy but it's the fact that he's asking me what did he do when he can't blatantly see the fact that he left me in the fucking car whilst he fucked some other bitch.

Making me look like a top level dickhead for making me to waste my time plus look like another side chick he fucks around with yet when another nigga shows any interest in me it's a fucking problem.

But best believe when a nigga come around I'll make him jealous just to see how he'll react and use it against him because he keeps fucking playing with me and it's making me fucking heated.

Kissing my teeth I picked up my trash dashing it in the closest trash can I don't even know how I'm gonna get home but I'm get there in my lil short shorts.

Most people round here know me so it shouldn't be a problem not that I really care with all these intrusive thoughts running through my mind 25/8.

I clutched onto my phone and car keys and stormed out of the house like a lil kid having a fit but sometimes- no every time I'm angry I can never let my brain just think straight I either have a thousands running through my mind.

Or I simply have none.

Another trait I got from my bald headed ass daddy.

Turning another sharp corner I decided to text Bri since I was getting tired and it was getting dark. As much as I'm angry I was lowkey getting scared.
Bri quickly responded saying that she'll take at least ten minutes or so to get to where I'm at.

I walked to the nearby public park then sent her my location waiting for her to arrive, I saw all these little kids running around with their friends as their hair swayed in the air without a care in the world.

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