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Amori Rianna Carter | Am-or-ree

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Amori Rianna Carter | Am-or-ree

"You see how Bri had a weird obsession with you and whatever" I started and he nodded. "Well it would only make sense that after she had planned the date and time for her murder she was moving mad funky towards mom.

She would only speak to you and only you she would text your phone and call you at late hours of the night-"

"How you know that?" he interrupted once again.

"Because I came to check up on you one night, and she was sending random messages like: come see me, leave her for me, I love you, I deserve you not her. And when I saw it I blocked her number.

But I should've told you, I should've told you- if I had told you mom would have neve-"

"Amori I taught you better than that. Stop crying. You know it ain't your fault. Seems like it was destined to happen. All we can do is kill her" and I looked up at him.

"Nigga are you crazy?! You gonna do some shit like that again to end up here. And leave me alone again! I need you dad" I broke out into a sob and began to hyperventilate knowing another panic attack is coming and he doesn't know about all this.

"Amori" he called out and I didn't answer. I heard him getting up whilst my heart began to race even faster like the joint was abouta hop out my chest any minute.

I felt him turn me around and put his hands on my face, "breathe. Amori breathe. Take slow breaths with me" he began breathing in a rhythm and I tried to copy but my mind couldn't focus on one think at a time because of my overthinking.

"Look at me. One, two and three. Breathe in hold and out" he said and I copied, I put my hands on top of his for some type of comfort and we did this until my breathing slow down and I was fine again.

"How did you know what to do?" I questioned wiping away my tears with my sleeve.

"Your mom used to get them" and I nodded my head I walked up to him and gave him the biggest hug I could muster up and mumbled "thank you".

"You're welcome" he took my head into his heads bending my head down he kissed my forehead and took us back to the table "let's make this a happy visitation. So tell me.. any boyfriends?"

What do I even say?

"No boyfriends, just in a complicated situation-ship" I said truthfully watching his face to see if he gave any approval.

"Tell me about him".

My dad and I spoke for a long time maybe for an hour or so until we both agreed it was time to go home and he's very fond of Henderson so that should be good for any future events to take place.

I told him about his basketball game tomorrow and he told me to take thousand of pictures to show him when I come back, and I also mentioned that I'll hopefully have my apartment by the time he gets out of jail, but all I need is $1,500 for the deposit already having the money for the actual apartment.

I also agreed on doing weekly visits if I can, and take Niyah and Henderson with me since he hasn't seen Niyah since he got up in here.

"Get home safe alright? I'll be waiting for the next visit" he softly whispered into my ear as the guard was standing right there and this man is all about privacy.

As I let go I was about to break into another fit sobs, but I had to strong for myself so I gave him one last wave and he returned my gesture with a soft smile. Leaving the room this time I had to be in front of the guard.

Because my father just had to mention if something bad happened to me whilst I'm in the vicinity of the jail he'll brutally kill his family and let him watch and then torture him and let him die slowly, whilst my dad laughs at him in pain.

Probably why they call him they shitty ass name.

Now he thinks I didn't hear a word but I pretty much heard every sentence. But I still fucking forgot to ask him about the wack ass name, "Butch" but if I do remember correctly from Orange Is The New Black everyone had their own nickname because of privacy and/or secrecy of their real identity.

Cause who are you are inside and outside are two different people.

Whether they want to believe it or not.

I thankfully didn't have to go through none of the procedures or scanning so I was able to just leave the jail with a shiver that ran down my spine as I got near to my car. Getting in I put Henderson's address in the GPS and drove out the parking spot.

I unlocked the door and noticed that it seemed dreadfully quiet I made my way upstairs and heard moans coming out his room.

"Hmm just like that" I heard coming out of Von's mouth bursting through his room I saw something that looked like a body but immediately attacked him, I don't know what I did cause I blacked out like always.

Because it takes two to fucking tango.

"Amori! It's a joke, It's a joke!" he repeated laughing in between his sentences I abruptly stopped punching and saw that his pants was up.

He walked back over to the bed and picked up the "body".

"Look it's pillows" he chuckled throwing them at me. "That's what your dumbass get for not giving me a proper kiss" he mushed my head away from him and moved to sit on the bed.

"And if I did that it would've been a problem" I muttered getting clothes out of the drawer so I can go shower cause I feel so dirty.

All of a sudden this hood nigga got jokes.

"You damn right" I heard him mutter from the bed.

Leaving the bathroom I put my towel in the dirty laundry basket and dropped down flat on the bed, Henderson and his big self swarming me covering our bodies with the duvet.

"Get off me" I mumbled into the pillow and of course he didn't listen.

"How did it go?"

"Good. I missed him so much" I replied turning over in the bed so now he's just hovering over my body.

We stared at each other for a second and then moved our head closer together until our lips touched, he took mad control this time which caught me off guard and had to take some time to catch up to him.

Moving away from the kiss both of us breathing heavy our foreheads touching I tried to fix my breathing so I could speak properly without having to stop. "My dad wants to meet you" I told him whilst sitting up in the bed.

"What do you mean he wants to meet me?" He asked looking mad confused.

"As in he wants to meet you nigga" rolling my eyes at him I leaned my back against the headboard.

"What did you tell him I'm boyfriend or something?" He side eyed me and fixed him self laying flat on my his stomach whilst leaning on his forearms.

"So what if I did?" I wearily asked mushing his lips together.

Slapping my hand away he got up off the bed and kissed me on my lips "good" and then left to go into the bathroom. 

Leaving me really confused because he tells me he's not ready for a relationship then wants me to tell my dad that's he's my boyfriend?

This man is gonna be the death of me.
- edited

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