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Amori Rianna Carter | Am-or-ree

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Amori Rianna Carter | Am-or-ree

I'm finally back at school and this shit is hell, they made me sit in another classroom away from the rest of the students as I kept "disturbing" them and then after that shit I gotta sit in a two hour detention from when I got suspended.

I'm now sitting with Niyah, Junior and Jay at the lunch table in the canteen since Akeem got practice and so does Von but ain't nobody wanna be around his dumbass anyways.

But my plan onto getting blacked out drunk worked more than I planned to cause I can't remember shit from that night I got drunk.
Moving onto the next day when I woke up with a banging headache I'd noticed that my phone was on my call log from me calling Von and him not even picking up.

And best believe I'm never gonna do that shit again, cause one: he missed my drunk dial and two: you only get them shits once to rekindle whatever we once had if you miss that one call I guarantee I'll never speak to you again.

But at the same time not much has happened after that, Bri then let me back in the house with her wicked ass with the house my daddy done bought for the both of us, but she kicked me out when I've should've done that to her dumbass.

And she'll have no where to go, cause she got no family, no friends, no kids, no money, no car, no nothing, and cause I do all the grocery shopping and got my own car, got my own money and job I don't need her for shit.

Except when she gotta get called in for my check ups with the counsellor, but other than that I don't need her sadly enough to be a grown ass women she claims she is. She needs me and she don't know it but when she does she'll come crawling back.

Cause she don't got a cent to her name, so what I'll like to know if she lying about this wack ass job because her broke ass always coming to me with money problems but I gotta give to her, because my pops told me to treat her with respect.

But fuck that shit.

"Amori? Hello?!" Niyah said waving her hands in front of my face.

Turning to look at her my eyebrows raised "yeah?"

"Girl you were gone in some lil loop hole that you usually go into, but I was asking what you bouta do for your birthday?"

Here we go with these damn questions.

"I ain't got shit planned probably just go visit my pops" I shrugged and she nodded her head, I was kinda annoyed and disappointed with myself cause I told my pops I'll visit him every week and I haven't gone to see him once.

But I needa get my shit together before I go see anybody.

I heard Niyah cussing under her breath "Akeem said his short ass was abouta be in the next fucking five minutes and he still ain't her-" on cue Von and his lil basketball team almost took down the damn door just raise attention to themselves.

I needed a megaphone to scream "CORNY!" down the damn cafeteria.

Akeem walked in with his duffle bag thrown over his shoulder and his jersey in his hand, and some other guys from the team walked in and then the goofy lil nigga walked in.. but did he walk in alone you may ask?

No he in-fact did not.

That same "miss homegirl" was right by his side hanging onto him like a damn leech, smiling at everyone as they walked past the tables I already knew we were done with each other but damn nigga.

After you done told me you weren't ready for a relationship you go and hang out with this bitch which I know one hundred and ten percent he fucked.

Only cause her thirty ass left some damn screen shots of her naked nudes that she sent to him in my locker, with another with a dick in her nasty ass mouth I'm guessing it's Von's because she's tryna make me jealous by being around him.

Realistically, it made complete and total sense.
Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't even her that put this shit in my locker cause I pray she's not stupid to trust me with pictures like this.

But I obviously wasn't gonna let this shit slide so when I had seen the shit, I grabbed the papers and neatly placed them in my bag so they don't get creased.

"Niyah I'm gonna go, I'll see you tomorrow or something" knowing that after I do this I'll probably get expelled or I'll spend the rest of the school year in isolation away from the students but as this point who gives a shit?

"What? You okay?" She asked and stood up walking over to me.

Nodding my head I hugged her and got up to go to the library to get copies of these pictures.

I got into the library and of course it wasn't packed cause everyone think they too cool to be in the library, but it's even better for me cause I won't be getting any questions from nobody not minding their damn business.

I saw a random access card for the printer laying on the desk, turning my head to look around the room no one was looking so I sat down putting a book on top and slid it over to my body then allowed the card to drop in my lap.

It was begging for me to take it like the Universe was on my side.

Putting the book back on the shelf, I scan the card under the printer the name of Bradley Alkeson popped up in bold writing with his picture next to it I wouldn't wanna say he looked like your stereotypical nerd but he did.

Opening the top of the printer I put the papers face down to make sure the students see this shit in 4k at this point in time I couldn't give a damn about the consequences cause people keep trying me so after this I pray no one else tries me.

Because the Lord knows I'm trying to not put my hands on nobody.

After pressing all the buttons to get this to work the printer finally did its job in printing the papers I don't even know how much copies I printed.

The screenshots had finished printing, I put the nude photos of her under the photo copier and printed until the damn ink ran out.

Five minutes later the printer had ran out of ink, so gathering all of the papers. I put the card back in the spot I found it in, and then put the papers in my bag careful not to crease it. Cause one thing in this school nobody knows how mind their business.

And the one time they see me in a library printing they're gonna ask some questions cause I'm never ever in here.

I got to the front desk and rang the bell for someone to come out "how can I help you Amori?" The receptionist asked as she closed the door behind her.

"Can I get some blue tack please?" I asked propping my bag higher up on my shoulder.

"Yeah sure" she replied opening the door behind to get some blue tack, she later came out with more than I needed.

Taking the blue tack from her "thank you" I mumbled and sped walked out of the library ready to get this shit over and done with.
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