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Amori Rianna Carter | Am-or-ree

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Amori Rianna Carter | Am-or-ree

Getting off him I gave him his three hickeys on the side of his neck and then got up for our next challenge laying on his bed I looked over at his clock the time reading 4:32PM.

"When do we stop I'm getting bored" I whined waiting for him to pick his next challenge.

"Whenever" he mumbled.

This nigga always got a problem with me for no fucking reason.

"Name three things you hate about each other" he read out.

I had to think about it- well pretend to think about it there's a few things I "hate" is that he's very nonchalant, he's too blunt and straightforward and can never see when he's in the wrong.

"You're very blunt, too blunt you can never see when you're in the wrong and you love to argue with me too much" I said aloud looking at his facial expression and he obviously gave nothing.

It was silent for a second and then he spoke up "you lied to me" he grumbled his eyes wondering around the room then landed on me.

Mugging him I looked at my imaginary camera "nigga when the fuck did I lie to you?"

"Yesterday" he shrugged.

"I didn't lie to you yesterday" I stated genuinely confused.

"You sure?" He asked and I nodded.

"Ight" he mumbled and looked for another challenge, snatching the paper out of his hand he mugged me and snatched it back ripping the shit.

"Look at what you did" I grumbled trying to put the paper back together, as I was doing so I looked over at him minding his business on his phone I put the paper down and snatch that out his hand too.

Kissing his teeth he rolled in the bed "stop acting so childish" I pushed him back over to face me with his heavy self, "what did I say when I allegedly lied to you?"

He kissed his teeth then sat up on the bed "yeah you good".

Stank facing him "nigga I was tired what did you expect?"

"So you lied?"

"Not the point, you can't tell me someone sucked your dick and expect me to smile and laugh with you the fuck?" I gave him back his phone since he finally wanted to talk and not act like some kid.

Rolling his eyes he added "you jealous?"

Half-playfully smacking him on his chest I responded  "no I ain't jealous that's just fucking disgusting, imagine I did that to you".

"You think I'll let you out the car without me being there or let some other nigga touch you?" He sarcastically stated.

Widening my eyes I realised he finally said something longer than three words "was that a full sentence?" I smirked watching him roll his eyes at me.

I picked up the ripped paper only seeing one question at the people "you a virgin?" And he shook his head in a yes motion.

Stank facing him again "nigga why you lyingg" I dragged out.

"Do I need to?"

"No- but how though? You don't have no hoes no nothing?" I rambled on.

"Nah" he mumbled.

Isn't that nice to know.

"So what you tryna do?" I asked him and he smirked at me "no nigga not like that, the challenge thing is over" he shrugged then got up off the bed then stood in front of me with his knees bent.

And it could only mean he wanted to carry me.

Getting on his back he put his arms under my things then left his room taking us down the stairs into the kitchen he stood in front of the counter and dropped me on there.

"You hungry?" He asked and I nodded, he moved towards the pot and I saw curry chicken with white rice in the pot.

"Y'all eat curry chicken in Trinidad?" And he shook his head no.

"Sum similar but my moms made this" responding with a light hum he put my food on a paper plate and warmed it up in the microwave.

"Nigga is you dumb or what this is curry chicken" I chuckled looking at the pot of curry chicken.

"It's chicken curry and this ain't no curry chicken" rolling my eyes I sat down on the stool, he put the plate on the counter as I was eating my food I felt him come up from behind me putting his hand on my waist.

"Uh uh none of that" I swatted his hands away and lightly pushed him back, him moving away chuckling he then left the kitchen.

Five minutes later he then came back into the room with his tray to roll his blunt, he pulled out the stool in front of me and began roll his blunt, when it came to the licking part I tried so hard to look away.

But it's my favourite part so I just stared at his lips as he did so the smirk fighting to stay off his lip after he was finished I slowly moved up to look him in the eye him smirking at me he then walked over to the back yard.

I went to finish eating my food when this dumbass called my name "what?" He did the gesture with his hands calling me over, groaning I stood up and walked over to him.

He put his blunt between his lips and lit it taking an inhale he did the ghost shit with the smoke and blew it in my face like the jackass he is.

"Nigga" he just smirked as always he did, now that I'm thinking about it he should get that shit permanently printed on his face from the amount of times he does that.

He took his hand and squished my face together putting the blunt between my lips, he re lit it and I inhaled it holding it for a second before I blew it out. "Did you really needa do that?" Shaking his head yes he put the blunt back between my lips.

I'm starting to get used to the silent answers, the short answers and the half sentences they starting to take a huge toll on me.

Rolling my eyes, shyly smirking I sat on them chairs everyone Aunty be sitting on at them family barbecues and waited till he finished smoking since I know he won't let me inside the house without him there.

He didn't even finish his blunt cause he "wanted to smoke with me" he pulled me up by arms and then stood in front of me knowing that he wanted to carry me.

He starting to like this shit more than me but shit I ain't complaining.

Getting on his back his hands automatically went under my thighs, and my head automatically rested on his broad ass back.

As we got further into the house we heard voices coming from the living room, but from the loud ass cackling noise coming out Jay's mouth it coulda never been an intruder.

Opening the door I lifted my head up and saw the bodies of Niyah, Akeem, Junior and Jay all looking at us with wide eyes.
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