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Amori Rianna Carter | Am-or-ree

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Amori Rianna Carter | Am-or-ree

Henderson lightly chuckled and left the house, me chasing after him I just caught him before he could speed off in his lil car.

"Henderson put your window down" I knocked on his window as he did that I walked around his car and got into his passenger seat. "What the fuck was that for?" I asked as I stared at him his hazel eyes staring right back at me causing me to look away he turned my head to look at him.


Shiii lemme calm down.

"The lil nigga kept testing me talking about what game am I playing at" he answered revving his engine he sped down the street all of his anger probably still sourcing through his veins.

"Nigga slow down" he eventually slowed doing 100 in a fucking 60 and pulled over his breathing heavy as shit.

"You good?" I asked worried because I ain't about to be in here with him speeding down the street like he wanna kill us both.

He nodded then proceeded to get out of the car, he left for about five minutes or so I was kinda pissed off he did that cause I coulda been at home during this time I just wanted to ask what happened and go back in.

But no. I'm here with him and I don't even wanna be here. Another five minutes or so passed and he came back with hickeys on his neck.

He did not just do that.

"Nigga take me the fuck home right fucking now" I gritted out.

"What's yo fucking problem?" He asked genuinely confused as I stared at the fucking hickeys.

"Take me home" I repeated one more time shuffling over in the seat my usual petty self not wanting to associate or be around him.

He cut his eye at me and drove me home, I'm not mad that he was with another girl but he was with another girl when I was in the car had me waiting for ten minutes when I could've been at home.

It's all about principles and he done had me fucked up.

He eventually pulled up outside my house and I wasted no time in getting out and slapping the fuck out of his door his fucking windows shoulda shattered.

Walking in I saw Bri sitting at the bottom of the stairs when the door locked it seemed like it knocked her out of her mind.

"Why you sitting on the stairs?" I asked as she got up and wrapped her dressing gown tighter around her body.

"Your friend.. had- put Alissa's son in a coma" she stumbled out refusing to look at me.

What the nigga has made out of steel or sum?

"All he did was punch him?" I muttered walking close to her she stood up of the stairs.

"They said that he must've hit the back of his head when they fell" nodding my head I walked right passed her taking myself up the stairs ready to go to sleep and forget about this whole day.

Getting out of the shower I had already picked out some clothes that are currently laying on my bed, but because I feel so drained I can't even lotion my body or do anything I could hardly even wash my face and brush my teeth.

Pulling the shorts on I heard a knock on my door "come in" I faintly answered.

Bri walked in "a friend is here for you" she announced then walked back out and all I am wishing for is that it's not Henderson, I put my towel away and saw my lotion bottle sitting on my vanity.

Groaning I picked it up slapping the lotion onto my legs quickly rubbing it in, then doing the same for my arms
leaving my bedroom closing the door behind I heard some voices coming from down the stairs even though Bri said a "friend".

Reaching the last step I walked towards the living room and I saw Niyah, Junior and Jay sitting on the couch chopping it up with Bri.

And they don't even like the woman like that.

"What the fuck are y'all doing here?" I spoke up during their lil conversation.

"We heard what happened" Niyah responded.

"Okay? What's that got to with me? You should be visiting him at the hospital" I rolled my eyes and wiped the rest of the lotion onto my face.

"No. We heard what happened" I kissed my teeth finally realising that Henderson told them what happened, what a little bitch.

"Well I'm going to sleep now I've got work tomorrow" I lied trying to get my self out of it but really and truly I start work next week Monday and today is only Wednesday.

"Girl.. no you don't so you'll be coming with us" Niyah said once again reaching past my lies whininh I went upstairs to collect my stuff then as I came back down I saw them putting on their shoes.

I didn't even bother to change I was wearing pyjama batty riders and a little tube top and long knee high socks with my hair in a messy bun.

Looks like a fucking birds nest.

"Bye Bri" I mumbled and left the house but the only reason why I didn't change it cause nobody is about to see me and I ain't getting out this car unless we eating first.

Junior pulled up outside Henderson's house, and he came out walking to the car he dapped up Junior and Jay in the front seats I kept my eyes of him but I felt him looking at me ever so often.

"We abouta get sum to eat then we'll be back" Junior dapped him up one more time but then Jay got out and so do did Niyah and walked inside so I got out and got into the passenger seat Henderson watching me the whole time.

Junior sped down the street the closest fast food restaurant prolly a fifteen or twenty minute drive depending on how fast you drive but we go there between the ten to fifteen minute range.

Pulling up to the McDonald's I ordered a twenty piece chicken nugget, a Big Mac meals with a side of Fanta, then Junior read out everyone's else's order from his phone.

I know it's a lot but a bitch needa gain weight out here I ain't skinny but I ain't thick either I just got a lil sum in both places.

Pulling up to the next window we payed and received our food, then sped back over to Henderson's house.
Getting out the car Junior placed everyone's food in a plastic bag then got out "Junior can you carry me?" I asked and he nodded his head.

Getting onto his back he knocked onto the door and Akeem answered it, the only reason I wanted to get onto his back is to make Henderson a lil jealous and he think I don't notice his jaw ticking when Junior or Jay carry me.

Walking through the hallway we got into Henderson's lil home theatre I didn't even know he had placing me down on the large bean bag he moved wherever and I began to eat my fries Niyah put on a movie on the large screen.

"World War Z"

I've already seen the movie but it's lowkey kinda good so I don't mind watching it again.

Some part throughout the movie Henderson tapped my shoulder and told me to follow him I thought about it for a second and then I decided to go just because.

He was waiting outside the room and pulled me into a room next to the dining room, it was like a little storage space, looking around I moved to sit on the countertop making sure there weren't no spiders otherwise it'll get wicked nigga.

I crossed my legs and waited for whatever this nigga was abouta do.
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