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Amori Rianna Carter | Am-or-ree

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Amori Rianna Carter | Am-or-ree

This nigga has to be fucking crazy asking some fucked up question like that, do I want the nigga? no- I mean yeah but I don't know man it probably won't even work out.

But I wanna stir some shit up soo..

"I could" I shrugged my shoulders picking up a hair tie and my hair brush from the dresser. I walked up to him and began to brush his hair up into a lil bun.

As I was doing this the lil nigga put his hands under my hoodie but luckily I wearing a bra so the nigga couldn't try any dumb shit. Until he unhooked my bra immediately snapping my arms down "what are you doing lil nigga?"

I slapped his hands away and he put them back, kissing my teeth I quickly finished putting his hair up since I heard him complaining I just wanted to help.

As I finished doing the last tie I noticed that he kept his hands in the middle of my back. I didn't wanna say he was admiring me but he was. You see when you can see someone smile with their eyes.

Just know it's serious.

His bottom lip was tucked between his teeth something I noticed he did when he was concentrating but what is there to be concentrated on?

"You done staring at me?" I questioned and he shook his head no.
I can't lie the nigga is cute when he ain't talking "well you betta stop cause it's time to go" I moved away from him and put the hair brush in an empty bag.

He walked out with the two suitcases as he carried them down the stairs I began packing my stuff in my trunk, taking all my tote bags and a grocery bags down stairs.

I put the bags in the trunk I waited for him to put my suitcases in there but the lil nigga said that his trunk is bigger so I'll take his word for it.

"You ready to go?" he asked walking up from behind me.

"Yeah" I replied closing my trunk and opening the car door I was about to get in before he pulled me away from it.

"I ain coming home tonight so sleep in my bed cause the other room ain clean" I nodded my head at this but does this nigga always gotta be so serious.

"Why isn't it clean?"

"Moni's boyfriend was in there yesterday so I needa clean it" he replied.

"I'll clean it" I shrugged, "I mean it ain't really a problem".

"Amori" rolling my eyes at him I put my phone in the car seat and then turned back around "Moni and her boyfriend might be coming over later" I nodded my head and he moved to kiss my cheek but it was my lip like the corner of my lip.

And I just felt like a middle schooler all over again.

He got in his car and waited for me so I could follow him to his house cause he needs to gimme his house key so I could get in cause I know this lil nigga wasn't thinking about allat.

We got to his house and he gave me his house key without me asking surprisingly.
But what I'm tryna figure out is he said he ain't coming home later and that ain't now, so why ain't he coming in this house.

Opening the door I brought my bags upstairs into his room which took me like a few minutes to find because I didn't remember where his room especially since I've only been in that bitch once.

I took the stuff out the bag and put on his dresser and put my skin care stuff in his bathroom but best believe if his bed is mad comfortable I ain't going no where he can sleep on the floor or sum.

Henderson took my suitcases with him so I couldn't even get my clothes so I guess he wouldn't mind if I just took his sweatpants and t-shirt pulling them out I walked over to the bathroom and put them on the rack.

After my shower I used his cocoa butter to lotion my body and then got dressed into the overly sized t-shirt and sweatpants I blasted music throughout his house and tidied up his room a lil bit.

It wasn't too messy only some things out of placed cause I wanted to give myself something to do to pass time until I decided to fall asleep.

It was only 6PM and if I fall asleep now I'll wake up at 3AM or 5AM depending on how tired I am and that'll fuck up my sleep schedule and I ain't tryna do that so I'll fight this sleep until it hits ten o'clock.

I got bored so I turned off the music cause 21 Savage wasn't doing it for me anymore so I decided to watch something on his Tv and pray that I don't fall asleep.

Half way through the movie I heard bangs on the door, moving to his bedroom window I looked outside and saw Monique standing there with a guy by her side I'm guessing is her boyfriend.

Walking down stairs I heard more bangs on the door, "hold on!" I screamed as I got to the door I opened to see Monique with a cheesy smile on her face.

"What are you doing here?" She smiled walking inside the house she hugged me and her lil boyfriend nodded his head at me, waving at him I turned to face Monique.

"My Aunty kicked me out" I said to her as we walked into his living room.

Gasping she stopped in the middle of the hallway "what why?!"

"Girl it ain't that serious" I shrugged "but it's cause I'm going to see my pops" she looked at me all confused "oh he in jail" I revealed she nodded her head and kept it pushing.

"And Von was that sweet to let him in his house?" She side eyed me picking up the cushion behind her and putting it on the arm rest so she could lay down.

Shrugging my shoulders "Ion know girl I was gonna stay at my best friend house until he said sum".

"Okay but this is my boyfriend Chris and Chris this is my sister in law Amori" rolling my eyes at her lil introduction.

I got to know Chris a lil bit more and that nigga is very talkative I guess he lil shy when you first meet him but then he warms up to you and I like that.

But with Henderson, now he ain't shy but he just don't wanna speak to you at all, he isn't a talkative person at all but he's starting to warm up to me little by little so we making progress.

I just realised that I still haven't been to work this week, but they probably think that I'm at all school or something but on the weekend I'm probably gonna have no excuse not to go.

But I lowkey wanna quit working at that lame ass job with them lame ass white people, that got nothing better to do but complain all damn day upset cause I'm spending my pay on nails, lashes and hair but you can't cause you bills to pay and mouths to feed.

"Well we're going to bed" Moni announced smirking at me.

Groaning all knowing by that smirk they getting freaky up there "girl I better hear no damn noise" I side eyed hear as she giggled.

"No promises".
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