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Amori Rianna Carter | Am-or-ree

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Amori Rianna Carter | Am-or-ree

When Monique said no promises she really meant no fucking promises, after they had left to go upstairs five minutes went past of me scrolling through Pinterest and I heard her screaming down the fucking place.

I quickly ran up the stairs to get my hoodie and car keys before I ran back down traumatised from hearing "chrisss it's soo big ohh my" she couldn't even tone it down not even a lil bit.

So now I'm driving down the block blasting some more music to get that shit outta my head, of course I had to drive down to my favourite spot.. the park where I can go to actually clear my head.

I opened my glove compartment box to take out my zoot that I recently rolled with my lighter, putting the zoot between my lips I got out my car locking it and walked down to my bench. I've been coming to this park ever since I was a little girl.

With my moms so I guess I mourn her here since this is where most of good memories came from when I was a kid, taking the lighter I lit the zoot and took the biggest inhale of my life finally able to feel the smoke fill my lungs.

Since it's been so long since I could sit down, think and smoke a blunt without mentally breaking down, I only started to smoke after my mom's died because with the weed everything will just leave my mind, leaving me with a blank mind which will just consume the music I listen to.

Half way through my blunt I'd seen Aiden walk down with some other boy so I just keep my head down with my AirPods in blasting my music and smoking this blunt until I thought it was safe to go home.

But at the same time it's not like I didn't want to see Aiden I just felt really bad for him for another guy when we went out together because if it was me in his place I would hold a grudge but that's just me.

I heard shuffling but I just choose to ignore it but sometimes you cannot ignore everything in this world so I looked up to see Aiden sitting there with his blunt in his mouth.

"Long time no see" Aiden spoke up after lighting his blunt he moved over ruffling my head, smacking his hand away I moved away from him tapping the ashes on the floor.

"Where you been stranger?" I asked taking the last inhale of my blunt and then throwing it in the bush behind me.

"More like where you been?" He took his blunt out and passed it towards me and there ain't nothing wrong with accepting a blunt so I took it.

Probably passing my tolerance for weed but who cares.

Shrugging I passed the blunt back to him "I've been at the hospital".

"For real?" He widen his eyes taking the blunt from me.

"Yeah but I'm good now" I smiled at him and he pulled me closer wrapping his arm around my shoulders causing me to lean my head on his shoulder.

"You forgive me right?" I asked him out of the blue from just staring at the cars go past.

"For what?"

"For leaving you that night" I mumbled.

Sighing he threw he finished blunt into the bushes "I already told you it's all good" he replied rubbing my shoulders in a comforting way.

Moving away from him I stood up "I'm bouta head off now, I'm sure my friend finished fucking her lil nigga" I invisibly shivered at the thought of her moaning down the house.

Chuckling he also stood up putting his hands in pockets, "you good to drive home?"

"Yeah I'm used to it" I hugged and got in the car I gave him one last wave and drove off.

By time I got back in the house Monique and her lil boyfriend had left.. as they fucking should cause I would've embarrassed the fuck outta their dumb asses for doing some shit like that with me here.

I wasn't really hungry since I had ate at the hospital which wasn't that long ago but a lil snack ain't finna hurt nobody turning back around I walked down the hallway to quickly get something out of the kitchen.

I already knew I wanted ice cream and I had brought my blueberry syrup and sprinkles with me because ice cream don't slap if it ain't got those two key ingredients.

I took out five or how many scoops out the container and poured the syrup on there and then the sprinkles I put my stuff in the cabinet before I walked back up stairs to my new room.

I put on The Princess and The Frog because that movie is the shit it's always me being mid way through a movie or some shit when somebody wanna be knocking on doors.

Going to the window I peeped that it was Jay, Niyah and Akeem but I don't know why they here. Opening up the window all their heads looked up, "Henderson ain't here".

"We can't tell" Akeem's dumbass spoke up.

"But what are you doing in his house let alone the nigga's room" Jay added, "he don't let no body in there".

"Word" Akeem agreed.

"Both of y'all shut the fuck up I got kicked out" I explained leaning arms on the window ledge.

"We also heard, so we came to check on you" Niyah spoke up.

"Hold that thought" I said to her and quickly got my ice cream before that bitch started to melt, "but I'm fine I might be staying here for a while but y'all should go it's late" I added scooping up some of the ice cream.

"Ight" Akeem mumbled.

"Seen you soon?" Niyah asked and I hummed nodding with my spoon in my mouth I watched them leave before I closed window and got back in the bed resuming my movie and finally eating my ice cream in peace.

I tried eating the ice cream slow so it could last me till the end the movie and now I'm just scraping up the melted ice cream cuz it's too good, but the movie finished and I'm Tangled that joint is too good.

Something about The Princess and The Frog and Tangled is going to do it for me every time, I paused the movie and went downstairs to put my bowl in the dishwasher so I don't leave some weird impression of myself of being dirty and shit so I had to that.

Plus if someone was staying my room and they left their dirty shit in there I would be pissed but I guess everyone different.

But I still can't wrap my head around the fact that Bri really kicked me out because of me going to see my pops tomorrow- oh shit I gotta see him tomorrow.

I don't even know what time I'll probably just go whenever I wake up but I haven't that lil nigga since everything happened but for some reason I still believe Bri's ole ass has something to do with my mom's death.

I mean it makes sense right?
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