authors note

15.1K 298 70

Quick side note..

Too many people are complaining in this book talking about how TreyVon should've been dark-skin and that.

I changed his face claim to Aiden's old face claim and changed his face claim cause I'm tired of the complaining.

So if you've seen Aiden's face claim on TreyVon just pretend that was never Aiden so I don't want to see any comments on the book talking about "he should've been dark skin" or "I thought he was dark skin"

Or talking about some "he should be darker tinted" and then love of Aiden talking about you "prefer him" more like make up your mind babe.

Cause the nigga is now fully black not dark skinned but darker skinned.

If you knew how hard it is to find darker skinned men on social media that fit your character you'll learn to stfu eventually 🤗

cause you can't please everyone 🤷🏽‍♀️

another side note!

all y'all need to go get a life fr

i never knew my book was gonna get so much reads. I published a few chapters and was already at 1k so no I will not be taking any constructive criticism, talking bout some "you write books for people to read as an author you should take some criticism"

Like hell no nigga😂

I publish books because it's a hobby not because its my intention for it to get so many reads.

So if I see a comment I don't like on my book I will respond and if you don't like it boohoo🤷🏽‍♀️

and thank you for 200k reads 🫦

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