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Amori Rianna Carter | Am-or-ree

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Amori Rianna Carter | Am-or-ree


It's been three fucking months..three whole months.

A lot of things has happened since then, we did our finals and graduated last month, Von and I had our problems but we learnt to speak about issues that bothers us.

Making our relationship ten times stronger than it was the first time we got together cause our communication weren't really there.

I stopped going to my school counsellor and began to get professional help they put me on all different types of medication I try to limit my intake cause they make me so lazy and tired.

But I'll always have my dad pestering me to take the damn pills like I ain't need them before so why I gotta take them now?

We haven't spoken much since Bri died cause we have been trying to get everything in place for her funeral, by trying to invite as much people that tolerated her, hopefully after the funeral we will be speaking as much as we did before but cause I haven't been in the house we don't see each other either.

But I do try to text and face time him whenever I get the chance.

But Bri's funeral is coming up in the next few days and everything so far is going right for the funeral, we didn't want to wait too long to have her funeral cause I wanted to get it over and done with so we could move on.

They had cremated her body so they're ain't no body to bury but pops just thought it was respectful if we gave her a proper burial.

Getting up off the bed I walked over to my flashing phone picking it up I'd seen messages from my Niyah telling me to meet her and her new boyfriend, her actual boyfriend.

Akeem was a lil sneaky link, and best believe that nigga got so mad when Niyah finally cut things off with him, cause I've been telling her that boy don't want nothing to do with her, she believed so long and hard that was her man until he pulled up with another girl.

She was pregnant too, and Niyah's precious heart got broken like this man had a whole other girl locked up so where while he was messing with Niyah during her pregnancy and he back with her, and now she wants me to approve this next man.

Texting her back I put the phone back down, "you got your suit ready?" I turned around to face Von standing in the doorway of our room. We decided that it was best that I shouldn't get my apartment but instead move in Von but make his house feel more like home.

So that's what we did and stopped Moni and her boyfriend from coming to the house even though I haven't seen her or Kai in a hot minute because Von hardly ever invites them anymore.

Von nodded his head and opened up his closet to see his suit in a bag zipped up on a hanger, "boy you bouta look so fine in this" I mumbled under my breath pulling the suit out to see it since I don't know what suit he bought.

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