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Amori Rianna Carter | Am-or-ree

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Amori Rianna Carter | Am-or-ree


Rumbled throughout the house, I waited for Bri to answer it but she didn't so I head to get up out my cozy bed to face the cold crisp air in my room.

Walking down with my fluffy socks I looked through the peep hole.. Henderson??

Opening the door "y'all bang on the door like some damn police y'all afraid of" I rolled my eyes the door covering half of my body.

"You gon let me in or?" He asked full of sarcasm today rolling my eyes once again I fully opened the door allowing him to walk inside locking the door behind him I walked up to my room and headed straight to my bathroom to freshen up.

"So you gonna tell me why you're here?" I moved to sit by my vanity after showering I decided to just sit in my towel dressing gown and do my makeup and that since I gotta go work soon.

"I gave you the weekend to sit down and think so we could get fresh start" he shrugged watching me through his hooded eyes.

"Mhm so you decided to come on the day I got work?" And he nodded his head.

"That's funny cause you ain't got work today" he nonchalantly shrugged and laid back on my bed.

"Why did you call my work place?" I turned around to face him getting reall cozy on my damn bed.

"I didn't.. Niyah did" he did mugged me before throwing my teddy bear at me telling me to hurry up.

"So what do you want me to do with that information?" and he shrugged something that I've decided to come to terms with this nigga don't do full sentences it's either half sentence, eye roll or shrug.

I stood up and began packing my things away until I felt hands move around my waist Henderson's face rested in the crook of my neck "just spend the day wimme" he cutely said.

I mean it obviously wasn't meant to be cute but I found it cute.

I nodded my head then a few seconds later be backed away from me but still close enough to feel his body heat and what not. I finished packing my stuff away before I stood in front of him.

"So where are finna go?"

"My house" I slowly nodded my head then walked inside my closet to find something quick to put on I picked out some black leggings, with my black Uggs and a tight fitted shirt.

Closing the closet door I quickly changed then hung the dressing gown to dry on the hook then left leaving my hair in the messy bun since we staying inside.

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