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Amori Rianna Carter | Am-or-ree

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Amori Rianna Carter | Am-or-ree

Thankfully, both the cheerleading and Principal's moment was over and it was finally time for the players to come out.

You had people by the microphone announcing them in and they came out jogging to their positions whilst their crowd cheered for them. And you still had the cheerleaders doing whatever they supposed to be doing on their side of the court.

The crowd then died down and it was time for the people that actually mattered to come out.

And best believe the cheers and the shouting got louder whilst myself and everyone clapped for them they all ran into their positions, Henderson had his hair tied back in the bun wearing his green and yellow jersey and basket ball shorts.

I don't know much about basketball because it isn't something that I interest myself cause that shit is boring so Niyah had to explain everything single detail of what was going I didn't understand most of it.

Maybe all of it.

I don't even remember anything that she said so as she spoke I had to nod my head and pretend that I was interested but I struggled to stay focused.

"Usually the centre is the strongest and tallest player on the team used for-"

"-Excuse me?" A girl interrupted Niyah during her explanation of the positions of the teams. We both us both looked up and saw your typical curly headed, green eyed light skin.

"Yes?" Niyah said replying for me.

"Are you Amori?" She asked pointing her long acrylic finger at Niyah.

"No I am, is there a problem?" I questioned really trying to find what this girl wants me that's so important and cannot be spoken about later.

"You see my homegirl back there, she wanted me to tell you that Von is her man and she wants you to stay away from him" she pointed at a girl sitting at the top of the bleachers.

"And she sent you to do her dirty work, if it's such a big problem tell her to come to me instead" I shrugged waving her off then turning my head to look at Niyah whispering "what the fuck?"

"Okay so it's a problem then?"She asked and I nodded with this she left the area and went back over to her friends. But what I can't seem to wrap my head around is girls that send their homegirls to do their dirty work, like if it's such a big problem tell me yourself.

The fuck?

"This bitch cannot be for real" I mumbled rubbing my temples leaning back in my chair.

"What the fuck was that?" Niyah rhetorically asked resting her head on mine.

"Von is going to need to sort that one out because that ain't my problem" I muttered taking out my phone to snap some pictures of us and post it on the gram.

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