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Amori Rianna Carter | Am-or-ree

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Amori Rianna Carter | Am-or-ree

Scoffing, I held a middle finger up at Mr Gilbert and he shouted "DETENTION!" then dipped down the hall.

"Might as well go to first period" he nodded and followed silently behind me for the most part.

Getting to first period I knocked on the door and walked in "sorry Ms that I was late I was talking to Mr Gilbert about the exchange stude-" I turned around to find no one there.

Mrs Katz looked behind me to also find no one there, "uh huh" she mumbled as she pulled down her thick ass glasses.

Giving her my late slip I went and sat in the back row awaiting for the next period as I scribbled down some important notes for our next test during the middle of the lesson when Henderson walked in.

"Mr Henderson so nice of you to join us" Mrs Katz sarcastically said with a fake smile plastered on her face nice to know others get the same treatment as me.

Ignoring her, Henderson came and sat down a seat behind me to where he got a bit too comfortable and began kicking my chair.

Intentionally or unintentionally I don't give a fuck.

Turning around I pushed his legs back and semi whispered "nigga stop kicking my fucking chair yo" and with that I turned back around then five minutes later he continued to disturb me.

"I don't know what your fucking problem is but you needa stop" I said my voice getting a bit louder causing some students to stare at me with wide eyes.

How can I forget he's hot and dangerous.. my fault girlies.

"What's your fucking problem" I mugged them and they turned back round in their seats.

"Ms Carter why do you keep interrupting my classes?" Mrs Katz sighed as her head dropped into her palm shaking her head in disappointment.

"Tell your students to stop fucking looking at me then I won't interrupt your boring ass classes" I shrugged and waited for her to continue her lesson.

"Watch your language young lady!" She pushed up her glasses and picked up her chalk to continue teaching the lesson.

This broke ass school still using chalk and chalkboards.

"Man whatever" I mumbled under my breath.

"Detention!!" she screamed at the top of her lungs as well as screeching the chalk on the rusty board causing people to squint their faces.

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