80 year old color blind women

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Here I am, peacefully dreaming about my dream guy: tall, dark brown hair, nice blue eyes that capture me with just one look- and then I hear it. A loud ass beeping coming from right beside my head. I hear a grumble for next to me and then a loud thud.

"I refuse to sleep on the end again when SHE is in the middle." I hear someone grumble.

I sit up and rub my eyes and take in the scene before me: One of my best friends, Stella, with her black hair all across the pillows, sleeping peacefully. Then another one of my best friends, Clara on the floor, rubbing her ass and muttering incoherent curse words under her breathe. They sleep over quite often because they know I don't like to be alone when my parents aren't here.

I get out of bed and shut of the alarm, then make my way to my bathroom. The cool tile does wonders to wake me as I just sit there on the toilet contemplating my whole existence.

I turn to see the door open and Clara trudge to the sink to brush her teeth. I get up and strip my clothes to take a nice hot shower. All three of us were practically raised together so we're not really bothered by seeing each other naked.

The warm water quickly relaxes my tense muscles and I let out a deep sigh. In hindsight it probably wasn't the best idea to take a hot shower when I'm tired, because I'm even more comfortable now.

Once I'm done with my shower, I do my morning routine while Clara takes a shower, then walk out to my bedroom to see Stella still slumped on my bed.

"How the fuck is she still asleep after all that noise." Clara says as she comes up next to me, brushing her hair.

I scoff, "I have no clue." I walk to her and shake her arms, "Stella, wake up." She doesn't budge, "Wake up Stella!" I try a little louder. She's still sound asleep. "For fucks sake- STELLA GET YOUR ASS UP." I shout. She then jumps up and took in her surroundings with half closed eyes.

"Why are you shouting?" She mumbles and rubs her eyes.

I groan and facepalm, "Oh for the love of god- just get ready for school, we're going to be late."

I put on my school uniform which is just a black plaid skirt, a white blouse, and a maroon sweater and a crop top, paired with my light black flannel jacket because it's cold as hell outside. Like how is it already below 40 degrees at the beginning of October. I thought we had global warming not global colding- freezing, what ever the fuck it's called.

I make my way downstairs to the kitchen with Clara trailing behind me, wearing something similar to me except she's wearing a black bomber jacket with a hoodie underneath.

"Hello girls, how did you sleep?" My butler, Gale, asks as he serves our breakfast.

"Fantastic, except for the part where I got kicked out of bed." Clara mutters while pouring both of us coffee.

"Do you know when my parents will be back?" I ask Gale hopefully.

"No, they didn't specify but I assume they'll be back somewhere around mid December." He gives me a sympathetic look.

I roll my eyes as I eat my avocado toast, "Of course they will."

"So what's for breakfast?" I hear a voice behind me and turn around to see Stella fully dressed, with her hair in perfect waves going down her back, and a full face of subtle, flawless makeup.

"How did you-" Clara sputters, then glances at the clock in the wall, "It's only been-" All the while Stella is staring at her blankly with a small smile. "I hate you so much." Clara mutters as she turns around to finish her breakfast.

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