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"What's her deal?" Steve asked Ryan in a whisper that wasn't really a whisper as we sat in the corner shop.

"She's depressed about Paris because her parents won't let her see Mayson." Ryan whispered back.

"Damn, that sucks." Steve said back.

"Yup, now she's just moping around like a lost puppy." Ryan snickered.

"You do realize I can hear you, right?" I raised my eyebrows at the two idiots who were sitting behind the counter while I was by the window.

"Yes." Ryan rolled her eyes.

"Oh shit, you were listening?" Steve asked.

I rolled my eyes at his stupidity and went back to my sulking.

"Awwww cheer up buddy, I'm sure this will blow over soon enough." Steve came to me and patted me on the shoulder, sitting on the other side of the window sill.

"Her parents are rich millionaires who think that gay people go to hell." I deadpanned.

"Hmm." Steve frowned, "That'll definitely do it." He scratched his head.

"You can still see each other at school right?" Steve asked.

"Yeah, that's true I guess." I muttered.

"Right, they can't keep her away from school and they won't even know if you're with her." Steve smiled.

"So turn that frown," He moved my cheeks upwards, "Upside down and let's go ride around in that car again." He grinned.

He was referring to Paris's car that she left with me after the gala, "Steve it's not some toy you can just play with whenever you want." Ryan scolded while reading a magazine, not even bothering to look at us from behind the counter, her feet propped up on it.

Steve frowned and slumped on the window sill again.

Ryan glanced at us for a second before returning to her magazine, rolling her eyes, "You idiots are gonna do it anyway, aren't you?" She sighed.

I grinned at her, "Yup!" I said then jumped up, headed to the door, Steve following close behind me.

"Alright have fun, give Paris's parents a reason to actually hate you." Ryan singsonged, flipping a page.

I stopped at the door and contemplated it, "Awww no, look what you did Ryan!" Steve whined staring at me.

"Don't listen to her Mace, she's a buzzkill that reads for fun." Steve said, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Maybe we shouldn't." I shrugged.

Steve blew a breathe and shuffled back into the store, "So fucking whipped, god damn it."

"I know you're not fucking talking Steven." I scoffed, following him and leaning on the counter.

Steve waved me off and started playing with a ball on the counter.

"Anyways, I'm gonna go work on my art final." I said, heading to the door, "You love birds have fun now!" I called.

I heard a string of curses before the door shut.


"Can you stop fucking moving?" I grumbled trying to take a picture of Stella.

I called Stella and Clara to help me with my art final. Paris was supposed to be here but her parents are dickheads and won't let her out of the house.

"Easier said than done you don't have to be in these heels and dress." Stella snapped.

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