are you gay?

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I put on my final earring as I stood up from my bed, picking up the front of my dress to walk. It was Saturday evening and Stella and Clara had come over earlier so we could get ready together. They had gotten done before me because I was the last to shower therefore I finished my makeup later than them.

I didn't do too much deciding to go with a natural look except I added some subtle dark green shimmer on my eyelids making my lighter green eyes pop. I put some gold shimmer on my cheeks and chest to complete the effect of a glowing look, matching my dress. I paired it with some lipgloss to give the focus to my eyes.

My hair was flowing down my back in soft waves and I added some shimmer to it too so it'd look like it was shimmering if the light hit it right.

I grabbed my mask and purse from my nightstand before taking a deep breathe and walking out of my room.

I stopped when I reached the top of the staircase, looking down to see Stella and Clara talking while my favorite person was practicing what looked like escorting somebody. I smiled softly at her actions and held my breathe when I saw her look up at me, feeling butterflies in my stomach from the way she was looking at me.

"Holy shit." I heard her whisper.

My smile returned to my face wider now as her reaction gave me a new sense of confidence. I slowly walked down the stairs, being careful not to trip. When I got close to the bottom Mayson came and held her hand out, helping me the rest of the way.

We stood in front of each other and I finally took in her appearance. Her suit was an identical green to mine, the pieces fitting her perfectly. Her soft curls were were way more defined than normal and flowing toward her shoulders. The heels I was wearing allowed me to see her face clearer, my head coming to her nose now as it usual reached her chin.

She wasn't wearing her glasses allowing me to see her Caribbean blue eyes. Now that I was closer I could see she had flecks of green and yellow around her irises. I could see the faded scar she had on her cheekbone and the faint freckles, littering her nose and cheeks.

She truly was the definition of a hidden gem.

A soft smile was present on her face as she took my appearance in, her eyes finally reaching mine causing her smile to widen, "You look beautiful, Paris." She whispered.

I smiled widely back at her, "Thank you." I brought my hands up and ran them across her shoulders before fixing her collar, "You don't look too bad yourself."

She chuckled, "Really? That's it?"

"Wouldn't want you having a big head now, babe." I smirked patting her cheek.

Mayson opened her mouth to respond before someone interrupted us, "Ahem." Stella cleared her throat, "Are you guys done flirting or can we leave now?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Shut the fuck up." Mayson and I say at the same time.

"Jeez, alright but don't be complaining to me when we're late." Stella muttered.

Mayson rolled her eyes from beside me and turned back to me, holding out her arm, "Shall we?" She smiled.

"We shall." I grinned, fitting my arm into hers. Something about being on her arm just felt so right. I was no longer nervous, the feeling disappearing as soon as Mayson looked at me. I have a new sense of peace and calmness whenever I'm with her. No doubts, no overthinking, no fears, just Mayson.

Mayson led me towards the front door, moving slower with me once we reached the steps. When we got to the car she opened the door for me, taking my hand to help me in.

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