pig extinction

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Paris's grandparents^^^^


I think I'm depressed.

Maybe that's a overstatement but life has just been very... still lately.

And I know I'm wealthy and I have a great life and I shouldn't complain because people would kill to be in my position but I still feel like I'm constantly dragging my feet with a perfect, fake smile everywhere I go.

For instance, my parents have never been a constant in my life.  They were always traveling across the world, doing business. Or my dad was doing the business while my mom followed him like a lost puppy.

Both of my parents were born into wealthy, well-respected families. The myth that the rich always marry the rich, is in fact true and my parents are living proof of that.

I always thought we were a loving, happy family growing up, but as I got older I realized that was not the case. I started reading between the lines that whenever dad had a late night "business" trip, it wasn't actually business.

Or when mom takes "girls trips with her friends" it wasn't actually with her friends. My innocent brain just couldn't comprehend that love wasn't always like the movies I watched growing up.

I would have never believed in love if it weren't for my grandparents on my mom's side.

They were both from wealthy families but unlike my parents, they got married purely out of genuine love for each other.

They had the kind of love you only find in fairytales. The kind of love where your whole life revolves around the other person. The kind of love you die for.

The kind of love I crave for.

My grandpa is the sweetest man you'd ever meet. He is scary looking with a stone cold face but an absolutely softie when it came to his family.

He is the type of person to go to the store to pick up your favorite candy with a scowl to make it seem like he hated it but secretly he loved every moment.

He is the type of person to show his love through actions. Whether it was grand gesture like buying my grandma her own private jet so she could travel and see her favorite classical pieces live, or a simple one like bringing her flowers every time he came home from work late.

My grandma is a wild spirit. No one could ever tame her sparkling soul, nor would they ever want to because she was truly a joy to be around.

The type to turn heads for not only her beauty, but for the warmth she exuded from her ever so radiant smile.

Whenever my parents were out "working" they would always come to my house to take care of me.

Whether it was baking cookies with me with a bright or hidden smile on their faces, or taking me to the local park so I could see the animals and scenery, or even holding me if I had a bad day while watching my favorite cartoons.

They were probably around more than my actual parents.

My grandma has always been my biggest supporter. When I told her I wanted to be a writer, she encouraged me by taking me in her private jet to see famous authors at their meet and greets.

Unlike my parents who said and I quote, "It's not a real job. You can't make a living off of it."

In other words: You couldn't get extremely rich off of it and it's not something I should pursue.

But I didn't and still don't care about the money. If there's anything my grandparents have ever taught me, is a love for something can do more than money ever could.

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