i fell down the stairs

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"That literally doesn't even make sense." Clara snaps at Stella. Once again they were arguing about something, I don't really know I usually just drown them out.

"Yes it does, you're just hard-headed." Stella snaps back.

"Me? I'm hard-headed? Stella you literally thought broccoli grew in factories until last year!" Clara exclaims.

"I was a kid! How was I supposed to know?" Stella huffs.

"You were 16!" Clara deadpans.

"Like I said, a kid." Stella glares and crosses her arms.

Clara throws her arms up in the air then pinches the bridge of her nose, "Lord give me strength because I'm about to murder this child."

"Oh so I'm child now?" Stella gasps.

I look up just in time to stop them from lunging for each other, "Alright now, that's enough." I grunt, struggling to keep them back.

"Am I interrupting something?" A voice from behind me asks.

"No they're just bickering again." I roll my eyes, and glance back to see Mayson, "Do you mind holding them back? My arms are getting tired." I smile sweetly at Mayson.

She just shrugs her shoulders and takes my position in holding them back, except she does it with way more ease.

"Still up for tutoring?" She asks casually.

"Of course. Walk me to class?" I smile.

"Sure." Mayson smiles back, "Alright would you too cut it out now? What are you even bickering about?" Mayson rolls her eyes at Stella and Clara.

Both of them stop trying to strangle each other at the same time, "I'll tell you what!" Clara exclaims and straightens her clothes, "I asked Stella to buy me something. And I come to find out that she bought it but didn't tell me because she was waiting on me to ask if she bought it!" Clara says and throws her hands up in the air.

"If you didn't ask, why would I tell you?" Stella deadpans.

"Because I asked to buy it in the first place!"

"So?" Stell asks.

Clara goes quiet for a moment before she lunges for Stella again, "Alright, alright, enough!" Mayson exclaims trying to hold them back.

"How about this," She says when she finally manages to keep them apart. I just watch the whole situation unfold with an amused smile.

"Stella the next time you buy something for someone, let them know," She says to Stella.

"Hah!" Clara mocks.

"And Clara the next time you want something, just buy it yourself," She says to Clara.

"Hah!" Stella mocks back.

"Whatever, can we go to class now?" Clara rolls her eyes.

"Oh yea sure, there's this jacket I've been meaning to show you..." Stella gushes as her and Clara walk away hand in hand to class as if they weren't ready to kill each other 5 seconds ago.

Mayson just stares at them walking away with a bewildered look on her face, "Come one now, you still have to walk me to class." I chuckle and pull her collar.

"But they were just-" Mayson points behind her, "I could've sworn they were about to-" She sputters until she lets out a sigh and finally gives up, "Woman." She mutters from beside me.

I laugh quietly at her and pat her cheek when we reach the door to my class, "I'll see you later Mace."


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