what makes a date, a date?

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"What do you mean you're not done?" Paris asked, confused.

I checked my watch, "We have places to be starting about... right now." I smiled at her scrunched up face.

"Wait you mean... we're going out?" She asked, shocked.

"Yup, that was what Clara's gift was for." I explained.

She looked at Clara and Stella for reassurance and they both nodded excitedly, "You and Mayson are gonna do some fun things to close out your birthday." Stella grinned.

"Yup, so go get dressed." Clara smiled and gave Paris her outfit.

She shook her head in disbelief with a small smile and went to what I assumed was her room.

So I may or may not have gone a little overboard for her birthday.

Last night I finished the first painting at around 4am and then I just had a second burst of energy and decided to just say fuck it and paint a second one.

Then Stella saw me before school, as I go early every morning, and suggested I should take Paris out on a date after she opened all her presents.

Technically it's not a date since Paris didn't even know we were doing this until now and it was her birthday but just let me pretend for a little while.

Clara managed to get me out of school without getting in trouble for some much needed sleep and to organize my "date" with Paris. How she managed to get me out of trouble was beyond me and I didn't want to question her abilities.

"Have a seat lover girl." Stella said sternly, pointing at a dining room chair.

Because of that tone, not gonna lie, I'm extremely scared of her right now. If I'm being honest with myself, I'm scared of all of them.

"You see this pencil?" Stella asked, holding a #2 pencil then snapping it, "It will be your dick if you hurt her." She threatened.

Now that took me aback. No one knew I was intersex except Ryan and her parents. Not even Evan. Even when I had Physical Education I'd get to the locker rooms super early to change and stay until everyone was out of the locker room to change back.

"H-how did you kn-" I started before Stella interrupted me, "I have my ways." She said smugly.

I looked at Clara for some sort of explanation but she just gave me shrug that said "I don't know, don't ask me."

"Don't worry I won't tell Paris until you tell her yourself but just do not fucking hurt her." Stella said with a hint of desperation.

"I would never intentionally hurt her." I said firmly.

"Good now that that was settled, go put this on." Clara said, giving me clothes.

I looked at her confused, "Just trust me." She sighed.

I just shrugged and went to the bathroom after like 5 minutes because this house was fucking huge.

I mean seriously it's just absurd. Their guest bathroom is probably bigger than my kitchen, living room, and dining room combined. It truly amazes me how rich some people are.

I changed into the outfit which consisted of a blue and black short-sleeved button up, black slacks, and black dress boots.

I looked at the tags and the whole outfit was Valentino. The shoes alone probably cost more than my whole closet, I chuckle to myself.

I put my favorite jacket over it and put on the jewelry which was just a few gold rings, a gold chain bracelet, and a gold chain necklace. I have no doubt in my mind that all of these are real gold.

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