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"Wake up, we're gonna be late for school." Ryan says, shaking me awake.

It was the Monday after my date with Paris. Manuel made me come in yesterday even though it was day off and like always, I worked a full shift myself. I groaned and turned away from her,
"Go away." I grumbled.

She tsked then threw a pillow at me, "I'm gonna make breakfast and if I come back and you're not up, I will be getting you out of bed forcefully." She said sternly and left.

I wasn't paying too much attention to her, I was too busy dreaming about Paris. A little forward, I know but can you blame me? It's Paris.

Just as I was about to kiss Paris again in my dreams, the door slams open, "Alright, get the fuck up Mayson." Ryan says.

"Mm mm." I shake my head like a child.

"Fine." She says then leaves the room.

I was drifting back to sleep when I felt a cold splash on my back, "Jesus, did you just pour water on me?" I scream while jumping out of bed.

"Yup and it got you out of bed, didn't it?" She grins.

I stare blankly at her, "I despise you."

"No you don't. Now go put on some clothes, your thing is staring at me. Oh, and I made eggs but I want the french toast you always make so hurry up." She points to my crotch then, pats my cheek, then exits the room.

I look down to see it is in fact up, "Woman. So needy." I grumble then stumble into the bathroom to take a shower.

While I shower I always queue 2-3 songs so I know how long I'm in there or else I would be in there for an hour and not even notice.

The song Tru by Lloyd comes on, and of course being the normal person I am, I start belting the lyrics.

"So please accept me for who I am, and please accept me for what I do. I'm just doing everything that I can, and all I wanna be is true." I sing, pretending I'm performing.

I was in the middle of my the second chorus when Ryan so rudely interrupted me, "Shut the hell up and get out so you can make me my french toast!" She banged on the door.

I rolled my eyes and turned the shower off, "A please would be nice. No manners whatsoever. Can't even take a shower in peace anymore." I grumble, wrapping a towel around my waist.

"What was that?" Ryan screams from outside the door.

"Nothing I said 'right away queen ryan'!" I yell back.

"Mhm, that's what I thought." I heard her muttering.

I quickly brush my teeth and hair then put on my uniform, minus the tie because I could never get the damn thing to work.

"Still don't know how to tie a tie?" Ryan snickers when I walk into the kitchen.

"You want french toast or not?" I snap.

She holds her hand up and laughs at me.

While I make the french toast, I reminisce the date I had with Paris. It was perfect. At least I think so. I'm not really an expert on the whole dating thing but I'd say considering she left with a smile on her face, I did a pretty good job.

"What's with the creepy smile on your face." Ryan asks stuffing her face with the french toast that I just took of the pan.

I stare at her in disbelief, "You didn't even let it cool down."

"So? Some of us don't have fears over hot foods." She huffs.

"That was one time, and I told you that in confidence." I grumble while cleaning up.

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