the debut

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^^(Paris's gifts and the paintings Mayson made)



This birthday has been horrible so far.

I didn't expect it to be great considering my grandparents are in India and my parents are god knows where.

Both of them sent me a text this morning and shipped presents and that was it. I know I may sound like a selfish brat for not being satisfied with a text and presents knowing other kids don't even have parents or presents.

But it's the fact my parents could chose to be here but they won't. They could chose to be with their daughter every day or even just on her birthday but they don't.

They never chose me and it makes me feel like complete and utter shit.

The only thing that's making it better is I'm about to have a call with my grandparents in a few minutes before school.

See? At least they take the effort to actually call instead of sending a half assed text. My grandma is dying for fucks sake and she still does better than them.

I walk into the kitchen and take a seat at the island to see pancakes with caramel, syrup, and whipped cream on them. With a side of grapes, bacon, and apple juice. My favorite.

I hear footsteps in front of me and look up to see Gale, "Happy birthday Paris. I know you're not feeling the greatest right now but just know I'll always be here if you need me." He said in a soft voice.

A tear unwillingly slid down my face. I was already on the verge of tears but Gale just pushed me over the edge, "Way to make me cry Gale." I sniffled while chuckling.

He laughed then pulled me into a warm embrace, "I know everything may seem like it's bleak and terrible right now, but something will come along and make it better. Just be patient." He said then kissed my hair.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breathe, "Thank you Gale. Thank you for being here."

"Anytime. Now eat so you can call your grandparents. I know they'll be ecstatic to hear from you." He pulled back and smiled.

I ate my food quickly so I could talk to my grandparents. I wouldn't get to talk to them for long because I had school and they would be eating dinner and getting ready for bed at that time.

I FaceTimed my grandpa and waited, "Hey sweetheart!" I heard his warm voice say.

I smiled a genuine smile that only comes out at certain times now, "Hey papa, how are you?"

He waved me off, "I'm just fine but you know that's not the reason I called." He smiled, "Happy birthday, angel." He grinned.

I love it when he called me angel. It makes me feel like the most important girl in the world. "Thanks Papa." I said about to cry again.

"You have no idea how much I want to be there right now. You know if I could I would." He smiled, sadly.

"I know Papa. How's Nana?" I asked quietly. I don't know if I want the answer to that because it could probably make or break my day but I'd rather know and it be bad than not know at all.

"She's great! You can talk to her if you'd like." He said, a silver of happiness coming back onto his face.

He handed the phone to Nana, "Hello my precious, happy birthday." She smiled. She looked pale and fragile. Nothing like her usual self but yet there was one thing that was the same. Her smile.

Even when she was dying her smile never changed and it always gave me the warmth and love I needed, "Thank you Nana." I whispered, tears falling down my face.

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