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"So what do you guys wanna eat?" Paris asked, as she pulled out of my apartment complex.

"Popeyes?" Steve suggested from the back seat.

I nodded in agreement, "I'm down for Popeyes." I said excitedly.

"What's Popeyes?" Paris furrowed her eyebrows.

My eyes widened and I turn to her shocked, "Get out of the car." I said seriously.

"It's my car!" She laughed.

"So?" I asked, exasperated, "You don't deserve a car after that statement." I muttered.

"That's just sad man." Steve said, shaking his head disappointedly.

Paris rolled her eyes and glanced at me, "Are you forgetting I was born into a stuck-up rich family? My mom only let me eat the food at home or some over the top fancy restaurant." Paris said.

"Might've slipped my mind." I nodded.

"How does something like that slip your-" Paris started, "Pull in here." I interrupted, pointing to Mr. Jackson's corner shop.

"Why? This car doesn't even take gas." Paris asked confused.

"Just listen to me for once and pull in." I sighed.

Paris narrowed her eyes at me before pulling into the parking lot. Steve and I both got out, me going around to open the door for Paris before Steve and I started walking to the door, Paris following behind us, "What are we doing here, again?" She asked.

"You'll see." I replied, pushing Steve out of the way and opening the store door for her.

Paris squinted her eyes at me, "I hate surprises." She said.

"But you love my surprises." I grinned, "Now come on." I motioned.

Paris just signed and walked through the door. Steve patted my shoulder, "Thank you ma'am." He said in a posh accent then walked forward but I grabbed his collar and pulled him back, walking in after Paris, "Yeah I'm not holding the door open for you. Hold your own doors." I snorted.

"Bitch." Steve muttered behind me as I just laughed and I walked to the counter.

Paris was already there and I saw no one behind the counter so I started ringing the bell that was on the counter repeatedly, "That's really annoying." Paris winced.

"Oh I know." I grinned, "That's the point." I smirked.

I looked at the back door waiting for the person I was expecting to come out, "And 5...4...3...2...1..." Steve said looking at his watch the pointing to the door at one.

As soon as Steve pointed a very annoyed looking Mr. Jackson walked out of the back room. He stopped once he saw who we were and his confused expression immediately turned into an scowl look, "I should've known it was you two comin in here and makin all this damn noise." He snapped, throwing his newspaper on the counter.

"Hello Mr. Jackson, how was your day today?" I smiled politely.

"Mr. Jackson! It's been a while man, how ya been?" Steve exclaimed from the left of me.

Mr. Jackson just looked at us with a glare before turning in Paris's direction. His glare instantly dropped and he motioned to her, "Who's this?" He asked.

Before I could speak up Paris answered herself, "Hello sir, I'm Paris it's nice to meet you." She smiled politely.

Mr. Jackson nodded, "You too." He said, "You know for a very pretty girl, I don't know what you're doing hangin around these bums." He motioned to me and Steve while we just smiled.

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