scarecrow day

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I'm so tired of today. Im walking back to class after using the bathroom while there's about 10 minutes left of last period. I keep having this feeling like someone has been watching me all day so I've been extremely anxious and jittery. I cant wait until this stupid scarecrow thing is over so I don't have to keep watching my back.

I don't even understand how one comes up with beating a kid up and tying them to a post for good luck but that's besides me.

"Just 6 more months until graduation." I mutter.

I was walking down the hall, my class was at the end of the hallway when I heard fast footsteps behind me.

I quickly turn to see a guy in a ski mask quickly trying to sneak up on me. He's wearing all black with a white towel in his hands. When he notices me turn around, he freezes and hesitates for a second before hurdling towards me.

Like damn man, I really can't catch a break.

I side step and move out of the way as he tries to tackle me. He stumbles forward a little but catches himself before he falls.

At this point I am so fed up with this "jumping me " bullshit. I know I'm not the biggest of people but I can definitely hold my own, especially if there's only person which is the case now.

"You know what? Fuck it, I'm tired of this shit." I grit, untucking my shirt, "Come on man, let's get this over with." I say waving him forward.

He once again hesitates before stepping forward and throwing a sloppy haymaker, which I easily dodge and punch his exposed gut.

He lets out a grunt and hunches over, taking a step back. I let the fucker catch his breath and wait for him to make his next move.

He stands back up to full height and inches forward again instead of rushing forward like last time.

I observe his fighting stance and mentally laugh in my head. Feet too close together, his hands were in front of his face but he left his entire stomach exposed, and to top it off his hands were shaking.

I mentally thank Mr. Jackson for teaching me to defend myself as I wait for the idiot to make his move.

He finally throws a left hook to which I dodge under his hand and sock him in the jaw with my right. He stumbles back, holding his jaw in shock before looking back at me. Even with the mask on, I could see the anger swimming in his eyes.

Whoever he is, must clearly know me if he's already this worked up.

He growls and charges forward again, swinging his arms wildly. I guess his new approach is to punch as much as possible, and hope to land a hit. Reminds me of when Ryan and I would play fight as kids and she started flutter kicking her legs anytime I tried to get near her. Those kicks hurt man, not for the weak, I'm telling you.

I keep backing up, dodging his wild attempts, while simultaneously trying to find an opening to hit him. I find it when he tries to overhead punch me, his face completely exposed. I use the opportunity and uppercut him, his punch whiffing the air. He screams and falls to the floor clutching his nose, that started immediately gushing crimson red blood, seeping through his mask. He continues withering around on the floor in pain while I just stare at him.

I get out of my fighting stance and put my hands on my hips when I realized he wasn't getting back up "Come on man, I only hit you like once." I say shaking my head, disappointed.

"Fuck you." His voice cracks, painfully still holding his face that I could tell was starting to swell from the tears and puffiness around his eyes.

I tsk, crossing my arms and rolling my eyes, waiting for him to stop his tantrum. I walk forward and bend down to his face, lifting the mask off to see none other than Leon Marshall.

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