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I felt a finger gently brush across my nose causing me to wake up from the unwanted nap I was taking. I groggily woke up and looked around to see my surroundings. I was laying on the couch with a blanket draped over me, having no recollection of how I got there.

I rubbed my eyes and looked up at Paris who was standing over me with an amused smile. She was wearing one of my hoodies which was quite literally the best thing I could've woken up to. I assume Ryan or Steve gave her one while I was painting.

"Morning, sunshine." She smirked.

"Morning." I reply, my voice still hoarse from sleep.

"What time is it?" I yawned.

"It's 7am." She said.

"Really? How did I even get here?" I mumbled.

"Well you were starting to drift off around 3 while you were still sitting at your easel so I helped you to the coach and you knocked out immediately." She snorted, "It's probably why you don't remember how you got there."

I look past her to see my painting almost finished. I just needed to add last minute touches. Like I said it wasn't a very complex painting just a lot of small details.

I slowly sit up and watch as Paris walked to the kitchen. It was only then did I see and smell the breakfast she was cooking.

"Where'd you even get all these ingredients." I yawn again as I follow her.

"Oh I bought some." She says nonchalantly.

I look at her suspiciously and open my fridge to see it completely filled with vegetables, milk, eggs, fruit, juice, basically all the normal things that go in a refrigerator. I don't think it's ever had this much food in it before.

"Jesus Christ Paris, how much did all this cost?" I gasp.

"Not much." She shakes her head while cooking some eggs.

"And what exactly is your idea of not much." I raise my eyebrow.

"You know, instead of you bitching about how much I spent, how about you thank me for going out of my way to buy all this." She grumbles still facing the stove.

I smile softly at her and walk closer until i'm right behind her. Using some new found confidence I wrap my arms around her waist and rest my chin on her shoulder.

Don't ask me when I got this bold, sometimes I can be the most confident person around Paris and other times I feel like I'm melting under her gaze.

"Thank you." I mutter. I feel her shiver as my breathe hits her neck. She quickly composed herself and stands up straighter, "Shut up."

I chuckle and pull away from her, opting to sit on the counter as I watch her cook, "How did you even get all this up here anyway?" I ask, popping a grape into my mouth. My eyes widen at the flavor and quickly set the container of grapes onto my lap, popping a few more. I only get grapes when I go to school and even then those ones aren't fresh so I'm highly enjoying this right now.

"I didn't. I made Steve do it." She snorts.

I easily laugh with her, "How did you even convince him?"

"I may or may not have told him I'd show him how to ask out Ryan." She smiles.

I laugh even harder, "Of course that's why he agreed, he's been in love with her since we were kids."

"I think it's cute how much he likes her." She says flipping the egg.

I don't respond as I'm too busy stuffing my mouth with grapes. Paris turns around confused when I don't respond. The corners of her mouth quirk up slightly as she tries to fight her smile, "What are you doing Mace?" She chuckles softly.

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