get a room

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Tw: mentions of addiction and abuse


I was just standing there admiring Paris's beauty. We were holding eye contact for I don't even know how long before she whispered "Fuck it".

Then she came forward, stood on toes, and smashed her lips on mine in a soft kiss.

Am I dreaming or is this actually happening? Am I really kissing Paris Du Pont right now? Well technically, I'm not even kissing her because my body is frozen in shock.

She pulled back after I didn't kiss her back, "I'm so sorry, I-I shouldn't have done that, I should've ask-" She rambled. When I finally came to my senses I opened my eyes and just stared at her.

I couldn't even tell what words were coming out of her mouth right now, I was just admiring her. When I finally came to my senses, I smiled and stepped forward, cupped her face and brought her into a slow kiss.

That stopped her rambling and she immediately reciprocated the kiss. Our lips moved slowly with each. The kiss wasn't fast or lustful but soft and tender.

I could hear the rain pattering around us as I moved my hands to her waist and pulled her closer. She wrapped her arms around my neck and ran her fingers through my hair and pulled me closer as well.

She licked my bottom lip, asking for entrance, and I gladly gave it to her. Our tongues slowly danced together in a heated but slow kiss.

When we ran out of breathe is when we finally pulled apart. Our foreheads were resting against each, while we caught our breathes.

Paris moved her right hand to my cheek and slowly wiped the rain from my face. I grinned at that and she grinned right back and giggled.

She pulled me into another kiss but this one was faster. She immediately put her tongue in my mouth again and easily took control of the kiss.

I didn't have any problem with that, considering it was my first kiss and Paris is the one always in control whenever we do anything anyway. We continued our slow make out until we heard a sound and pulled apart, "Get a room!" A worker from the building we were at yelled at us.

He threw some trash into the garbage and stomped away, "Kids." He muttered then slammed the back door shut.

We stood there in silence until I broke it by snickering. Paris soon followed after and snorted, trying to suppress her laughter.

She put her head in my chest and starting laughing. My hands were still around her waist and I laughed as I held her, "Shall we go get a room?" I grinned at her when she pulled back.

She pushed me gently, "Shut up." She laughed.

"Come one, let's go to our next stop." I said after we stopped laughing, holding out my hand.

She took it with a grin and we walked together down the street, me on the side closest to the road as Mr. Jackson taught me.

She started swinging our hands as we walked which I thought was the cutest thing. I quickly entwined our fingers, "Are we not going back to the car?" Paris asked.

"Nah, where we're going is close enough to walk." I replied.

I stared at her for a second as we walked and she glanced up at me, "What?" She laughed.

"Nothing, you're just breathtakingly beautiful." I smiled.

"I know." She grinned.

We continued walking in comfortable silence until I broke it, "Did you know your name means City of Light" I asked Paris.

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