puppy dog

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(the dresses and boutique)^^^


"So what are you wearing for the Christmas fundraiser this weekend?" Stella asked me as we ate our breakfast before school.

At that sentence I immediately dropped my spoon, the milk from my cereal splashing, "Fuck." I groaned, "I forgot all about that stupid fundraiser."

Every year the rich families of my school get together and have a Christmas fundraiser to raise money for families in need for the holiday season. Really the whole thing is just a massive ball and an excuse for old, rich people to dress up and drink.

My parents make me go every year whether they're there or not because it's important that I "represent our family" and all that bullshit. The ball is always extremely boring and tedious especially because my parents love to spend it with the Marshalls which in turn means I have to spend a whole night with Leon.

Needless to say I wanna jump of a cliff by nights end.

"Well this year could actually be fun." Stella shrugged.

I just looked her like she's stupid because she definitely was for saying something like that.

"I'm serious!" She exclaimed, "Your parents aren't in town this year which means you don't have to be with Leon the entire night." She said.

My face softened at that because she started off on a good note, "It's a masquerade ball." She listed.

I do love a good masquerade ball...

"And you can invite a special someone." She wiggled her eyebrows.

At that I blushed at the thought of me inviting Mayson, my face suddenly feeling very warm. I imagined what it would be like having Mayson as my date, spending the entire night with her, seeing her all dressed up... Something other than my face definitely warmed at that thought.

"Mhm, now you're quiet." Stella hummed.

"Shut the fuck up." I grumbled as I snapped back to reality.

"Hey don't get pissy with me because I'm right." She said holding her hands up, "So I presume you'll be joining me and Clara after school to get fitted?" She smirked.

I glared at her as my response, "I'll take that as a yes." She grinned and patted my head.



"You want me to go to what?" I asked Paris as I opened my locker.

We were currently at my locker before last period and Paris was telling me about some fundraiser ball thing she wants me to go to.

Paris rolls her eyes, "A Christmas fundraiser masquerade ball." She said impatiently.

"They couldn't have come up with a better name?" I snorted.

"Mayson." Paris whined and smacked my arm.

"Ow!" I said rubbing my arm. Paris just looked up at me with her eyebrow raised and her arms crossed, "Alright fine, continue I'm listening." I sighed.

"It's this Christmas fundraiser that happens every year where all the rich families from the school get together to donate money to low income families." Paris explains.

"Wow, that actually sounds really nice and thoughtful." I mumble.

"It's not it's just an excuse to have a ball so they don't look like complete dickheads." Paris rolled her eyes, "But trust me it can actually be a fun time with the right people."

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